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"You really think you can?" Gojo questioned before fixing his posture to sit manspreading with his hands resting on his knees while he held that smug grin. He was really having fun with this whole thing?

"I know you aren't dumb but your actions in trying to pursue me are quite idiotic. If you keep trying you pursue me, I will kill you," I mentioned as I slowly walked up to him, "In order to no longer be burdened with the weight of seeing my mother's killer every day etched into my mind, I will kill you."

"I'll get you to change that perception of me before you even succeed in killing me," Gojo said, "and if I fail and you are able to actually kill me, I will know what I have come to love too much violently finished me by killing me."

"LOVE?!" I questioned mentally while remaining stoic to his words. From those oceanic eyes, he was looking for an emotion from me and the furrow of his brow displayed how puzzled he was for not getting either the reaction he wanted or one at all.

"Hm..." I mumbled as I looked down at the man while he simply glanced upwards and grinned.

Before I knew it, Gojo was pushed back from the window seal. His hair whipped around his face like wild tendrils, obscuring his vision momentarily as he struggled to maintain his balance against the relentless onslaught. His grin fell and his eyes widened in surprise and alarm.

His clothes billowed and clung tightly against his frame, accentuating every movement and revealing his battle against nature's wrath but he caught his baring, flipped backward, and landed gracefully on one of the roofs above.

"It's what you wanted to win right?" I asked, "my heart."

That's right. Gojo got a taste of what he was trying to win and yet it seemed that he couldn't handle it especially as his body was further pushed back from feeling the waves of my heartbeat. With each beat of my heart came an undeniable surge of energy that rippled through my body and into the surroundings.

It pulsed through every vein and sinew in perfect harmony with the ebb and flow of battle.
With each thump resonating throughout the battlefield like thunderous drums. For a person without any formal training of my curse ability, it was something that I could do in the clan. Clan members begged my mom to let me live under them just so they can learn how I was able to harnessing such an innate connection to life itself via my own heartbeat.

"That wasn't very nice, Saya-chan," Gojo teased and soon laughed- loudly and boisterously.

"Killing people isn't often seen as very nice, yet to get rid of a problem and action must be taken," I responded as I stood on the ledge of my window and looked down at him—danger simmering beneath my amused facade seemed to get him to grin wildly, Did you really think you and I could hash it out by talking? I am pretty sure words only make up 5% of communication-actions usually talk louder."


It seemed as if we both were at a standstill watching each other to see what the other would do yet his eyes widen when he noticed thin tendrils of smoke escaping my lips, dancing and swirling in the air around him like ethereal serpents.

The atmosphere between us seemed to shimmer and dance with an almost ethereal quality as if invisible waves of energy were rippling through every molecule. If either one of us acted, it was going to alert the entire campus but I didn't care anymore at this moment the fate of everyone in this school — the real question is if he was going to act.

He turned around and quickly vanished causing me to tsk. I turned around abruptly, my heart skipped a beat as I collided with Gojo's solid chest.

His tall frame towered over me, radiating an aura of strength and confidence that was impossible to ignore. His eyes sparkled mischievously behind his frames, hinting at the secrets he held within.

With a gentle touch on my chin, he raised my gaze until our eyes met. There was an intensity in his stare that made it feel like we were the only two people in the room - or even in the world.

His fingers were warm against my skin as they cradled my face delicately. The touch ignited a tingling sensation that spread through me like wildfire. It was both comforting and electrifying all at once - an intimate connection forged in this unexpected encounter.

His upper half tips downward so he can meet me eye-to-eye with his gleaming sea blue eyes —while his shades slipping down his nose bridge.

His lips curled into a knowing smile as if he had anticipated this moment before it even happened.

"If actions speak louder than words," he began as our gazes locked together, his eyes burned with a fierce intensity, reflecting the depth of his desire and longing, and his actions in pressing himself closer to me told me that he'll, "then I will show you what I want to be to you, I'll force you to change that initial perception of me into someone you can see having a future with, and I'll have you crave attention from me just as much as seek it from you. As you said, after all, words are from the lips, actions are from the heart and if I am persistent enough, I'll eventually get you to cave and give in before your heart can be won over by Suguru."

As soon as I blinked, he was gone... nothing but an empty space remained. The air seemed to ripple where he once stood as if he had dissolved into thin air.

My heart raced with a mix of surprise and disbelief. I felt a sudden heaviness in my legs and a loss of control over my body. My muscles seemed to give way, and with an overwhelming sense of disbelief, I dropped to the ground.

Even though Suguru lost our bet, he was right about Gojo. He was really determined. His dedication manifested not just in words but also in actions.

The impact reverberated through every inch of me as my knees hit the floor beneath me. The sensation sent a jolt up my spine, causing a shiver to run down my back. It was as if gravity had suddenly intensified, pulling me down even harder than before.

But not as much as the realization of the fact that every hurdle that I threw Gojo's way was nothing more than an opportunity for him to showcase his resilience and resourcefulness while he focuses on learning and earning every intricacy about them with meticulous attention to detail. This man was mad!

They grasped at nothingness as I struggled to steady myself against the torrent of emotions flooding through me. My heart pounded in my chest, each beat echoing loudly in my ears as if trying to regain some semblance of control.

"Even if I threaten to kill him he was willing to die to get me to like him...fine then...I guess I'll have to kill him to end this torment because I sure as damn will not allow myself to come to a peaceful resolve with him-though Suguru's words hold true in my mind."

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