chapter nine

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warning: This chapter contains some semi-graphic descriptions of death, blood, and violence.

The institute was in absolute disarray. The children were the first to know about the chaos. Maverick had been more prepared than the Rusks had anticipated and they knew the battle had begun when the first bomb, the one in their wing, went off. Everyone was devastated. Damian took it especially hard - thinking of baby Sully confused and afraid and all alone. But, there was no longer any time to dwell on what was lost, only what they could salvage.

Along the way, Fatima had been able to convince people of Maverick's ideas and there were maybe 12 or 13 of them now on his side and that wasn't including his pre-planned miniature army. They'd managed to destroy the front-line defenses and there weren't many left of the Rusk Pack. Tim, Ada, and Sizwe stuck together, Asher was still at the spot and they prayed for his safety, Lilly was missing.

"That's the last of them," Sizwe says coming back to the common room, checking behind him twice on his way in. He'd been able to fight off four of Maverick's little monsters by inflicting on them a pain so severe their hearts had given out on them. 

"Jeez," Ada says, wiping away the tears streaming down her face, "so walk us through it one more time, please?" she takes a deep breath and then walks to stand beside Tim whose clothing is spattered with crimson. She's still in form, a thick gold fur of armor, fingernails like claws, and teeth as sharp as the blade on a guillotine, and despite never seeing her like this no one bats an eyelid. 

"I'd been suspecting Maverick was up to something for a while - I'd seen him, once, sneaking around Damian's office just staring at the blueprints for the institute. And Lilly..." Sizwe shakes his head, "I'd caught her once transforming back from Palier into herself and she had a bunch of stuff she shouldn't have had. I tried to convince myself the incidents had nothing to do with each other but, you saw the way Lilly ushered us back inside only to disappear just when the first bomb went off?" 

"you think they're working together..." Tim nods turning to face the blackened fireplace, "there's nothing else to think. She changed when Maverick got here," Ada said folding her arms. The three of them stood in silence before Sizwe came toward them cramming them all into a huddle, "I don't think we have much time before they need our help out there. whatever happens. I love you guys and I'm sure Asher would have said the same thing,". 

They encircle their arms around each other in a tight, awkward group hug and soothe Tim when a sob wrenches itself from his chest. "I love you guys. so much," he says, wiping at his red face. He then turns to Ada and Sizwe nods, walking toward the window to give the couple their moment. "Guess I was right to ask you to marry me last night, huh?" It makes Ada laugh, "First and last time you'll ever be right,"

The kiss they share is bittersweet, it tastes like their first with a desperation that comes with a last. "you have to marry me, Tim. You can't die out there," Ada says, crying into the kiss and Tim nods feverishly "I'm only dying when we're old and grey and probably out of spite after an argument. I promise," They stand holding each other until Sizwe comes toward them. "I'm sorry but, It's getting bloody out there," He holds his hand out for Tim's. "Oh and Sizwe, I love you, too," Ada smiles, and Sizwe nods, trying to hold back tears. He didn't want to see his family get hurt but at this point, it might be inevitable. The three of them close their eyes and Tim focuses on the main field. 

The feeling of being ripped into a million pieces and then put back together is a familiar comfort to Tim. What is unfamiliar is the feeling of somebody else in his head, twisting the image in his mind so that he's thinking of the back garden of the institute, the one that faces the edge of the wood that leads to the spot. The little garden where the Five made their forever pact, where it all began. Before he can even try to change it, the ground is beneath their feet again and they're landing with a soft thud. Tim has a raging headache like the first time he's ever teleported. Blood pumping so loud in his ears he can barely hear it when Ada asks him if he's okay. He still can't bring himself to open his eyes, his lids like cinder blocks.

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