chapter five

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Today was the day that Maverick would arrive. The five had agreed together that they would get to know him for at least a  week before calling another meeting to discuss him and where he stands with them. Asher had also suggested that if he was straight then Lilly would have free reign to be with him because everyone knew how much she wanted it and if he was gay then they would try to set him up with Damian (even if Maverick would technically be a rebound).

Everyone was in the foyer waiting to greet Maverick. At first, they thought it was a little intimidating but then they decided that if everyone else was in their rooms while only Danika and Damian greeted him, it would seem like no one really cared for his arrival or for him. So, they decided that him feeling overwhelmed and welcomed was better than him feeling unloved or rejected.

"They're here!" Palier shouted and soon they all heard multiple car doors slam shut and the jangling of the keys to the front doors. When they opened, they were greeted with the familiar sight of The Rusk Twins who then stepped aside to reveal an average height blonde boy with bright blue eyes and an over-enthusiastic smile being worn. Lilly thought something was off about him she couldn't pinpoint it. Just something about him didn't seem right.

"Guys, this is Maverick"
His eyes met Lilly's and her unease simmered


"I don't know," Asher said when only four of them had met later on in Sizwe's room. It was too late to go to the spot but Asher said they needed to meet effective immediately since they'd all met Maverick and he was feeling uneasy about him.

"Yeah but you've been all detective about everything nowadays," Tim said rolling his eyes
"Yes, and with good reason! Don't you think they might be using Maverick as some kind of replacement?"
"Replacement for Eric? No, don't be daft Asher," Sizwe said "if they wanted a replacement they would have gotten someone taller, brunette and stocky"
"That's true" Ada agreed curling and uncurling a braid around her finger
"Hey, where's Lilly?" She asked suddenly sitting up and Tim moved off of her chest
"She said she had something to do tonight," Asher said, seeming kind of bummed. Ada furrowed her eyebrows
"No, no she doesn't - she has to be here. I'm going to look for her," she said moving Tim from between her legs so she could get up, to which he protested with a groan, flopping back down on the bed when the door closed behind his girlfriend.

"Oh you are so whipped, dude," Asher said raking his hand through his hair
"Maybe I am," Tim said shrugging adjusting Sizwe's pillows under him. The boy had about a thousand unnecessary and decorative pillows on his bed at all times except for when he was sleeping.
A soon as they were sure Ada was completely out of earshot, Sizwe and Asher were on Tim like flies on raw meat. They'd been waiting for a while now to question him about his relationship with Ada.

"So, tell us, loverboy" Sizwe started, 
"Has miss African Princess put out yet?" Asher asked excitedly and Tim rolled his eyes
"You two are pigs," he said "This is why you're single," the other two boys laughed loudly
"Definitely not - we're single because there's not one male or female in the house who interests us in that way," Sizwe said "and we don't like attachments" Asher finished. Tim shook his head and smiled
"And to think I was exactly like you two 15 months ago"
"Oh God Ash" Sizwe says with mock concern " - he knows when they started dating!"
"So whipped cream," Asher adds snapping his fingers,

Tim laughed at his friends and tried to find the words to explain exactly what he was feeling "Guys, it's really, I don't know. I thought I would mind you know but it's like -"
"You love her?" Asher asked, 
"More than that, it's like we're split aparts, I'm like -"
"Speak English please?" Asher interrupted "Yeah, what are those?"  Sizwe inquired reaching for a bag of chips he had stashed under his bed which was 'so gross' according to Asher who still stuck his hand inside the bag for some chips.

"One soul split into two different bodies" Tim answered "It's not really a scientific thing,"
"So you're like made for each other?" Asher questioned dipping his hand into the chip packet again and stuffing his mouth full 
"Yes! It's like- I don't know, when I'm with her it's just like -"

Sizwe, tired of hearing his friend rambling on grabbed Tim's hand. Sizwe's power was a unique one with many complications he had yet to figure out but, put simply he could feel the emotions of others and share them too. So when he took Tim's hand he could feel what it was that Tim felt for Ada and it was... overwhelming to say the least. It was like having ginormous waves of euphoria crashing down over you, again and again, coming down so hard you can barely move. his chest constricted and his heart rate shot through the roof. Sizwe dropped his friend's hand with a gasp and couldn't really muster anything to say.

"Show me! Show me!" Asher whined like a child. The ebony boy took his friend's hand and shared the feeling for him and Asher gaped. They both looked at their mate dumbfounded, "ew," Asher said after a beat, "and I say that to mean that was too much and I don't know how you do it,"

"Doesn't that... scare you?" Sizwe asked slowly, 
"It fucking terrifies me" Tim whispered turning red, putting both of his forearms over his eyes,
"Shit - I didn't know," Asher said, "What are you going to do?" Tim rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands, trying to clear his head. Having Sizwe dig into him like that was tiring,
"Love her till I die, I guess. Do I have a choice?" Neither of the boys said anything
"And you're not afraid that you're missing out?" Asher asked quietly
Tim huffed a chuckle "On what?"
"Like, I don't know? Meeting other people?"
"Literally no one could give me anything more than what I have with Ada," Tim said sure of himself. There really was not trace of doubt in him about it.
"...What about sex?" Asher asked
"Is that all you ever think about?" Sizwe asked, even he was shocked by Asher sometimes
"No," the sandy blonde said, moving his hair from his eyes
"But don't you want different people or something?"
Tim shook his head, sitting up for the first time since Ada had left.

"No, that's so... toxic. Sex actually has so many feelings attached to it. It's like I gave her so many parts of me. Parts of me I didn't even want to have and she makes them feel beautiful. It's like our souls are actally one again. You know?"
Both the boys stared at Tim and wished they knew. They had always been so good at pretending that he were okay with being single and okay with being virgins but hearing Tim talk about his and Ada's relationship made them want one more than they had ever wanted one. The concept of love fascinated, scared, excited and saddned them all at once. But neither would admit that.

"I hate to sound like a dad, but, seriously - if you can: wait. I wish my first time was with Ada." Tim said and then averted his gaze. The three boys all fell back on Sizwe's bed simultaneously, exhausted by the conversation. "You're whipped," Asher said, trying to lighten the heavy mood that had settled around them. It was becoming sticky and suffocating

"Oh totally," Tim agreed chuckling
"I think the soccer is on" Sizwe said "in the common room" Asher and Tim both nodded but none of the boys stood or made any effort to move. Instead, they lay there in their own thoughts, and one common thought was that they were glad to have people they could be honest with, they all wanted this friendship of theirs to last, forever.



So yeah that was a peek into how Tim really feels about Ada because so far you've only seen them be physical or like talk but they're so in love and I love it.

Also, this chapter was a lot less about Lilly so yeah. There ya go

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