chapter four

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Two days, the newest addition to the pack was arriving in two days. Lilly didn't know why she was so nervous. She shouldn't be - he was just a boy. But he was also a boy who Damian said was around the same age as the five. He was a boy who Damian said he was sure would fit right in. So, why did she feel so nervous?

"Knockidy knock"
Tim stood in her doorway his head almost touching the frame. She was surprised he was with her instead of Ada and wondered if they really were fighting this time
"Oh, hi," she said sitting down on her bed, trying to act nonchalant. She began biting down on her thumbnail, a nervous tick she developed when she was younger. Tim sat down on the bed next to her and moved her thumb from her mouth
"Stop that," he said, when Lilly felt his warm hand around her own she wanted to grab it. But it was gone as quickly as it came and she found herself fighting a frown.
"What's wrong Lilly? You've been acting... not like yourself lately" he was being straight forward as per usual. That's what Lilly liked about him - there was no beating around the bush with Tim.
"Nothing -"
"It's not nothing. Come on Lilly I'm worried about you"
She thought about that. He was worried about her which meant he had to have thought about her more than once right? She's brightened at the thought.
"Talk to me," she thought about asking him if he and Ada were fighting but decided rather not to ruin the moment she decided she wanted to take advantage of it of... him?  No of the moment.

"What's wrong with me Tim?"
"What? Nothing... there is nothing wrong with you Lil" she turned crimson at the nickname but he didn't seem to notice,
"Then why don't boys like me?" Why don't you like me is what she was thinking. Tim laughed but when she said nothing he became concerned, 
"Lilly? Oh no, Lilly don't cry" he said putting one arm around her. She took the opportunity to put her face in his chest. He stiffened at the action but didn't say anything - he smelt like Hugo Boss and there were undertones of cocoa butter and vanilla, It was comforting.
"Lilly?" He said softly moving back so he could look at her.
"Hey? Look at me will ya?" He said playfully. When Lilly looked up at him she was so hyper-aware - of the blue-green of his eyes, his pale skin, and the orangey freckles that littered his face and his lips; pink and plump. His lips kissed Ada, knew the taste of her skin. She wanted it - wanted him and her.
"Does no one love me?"
"We love you" we, she cringed at the word
"Do you love me?" Tim sighed, he didn't know what to say. There were always these little uncomfortable moments with Lilly in which he found himself floundering - unsure of what to do or say.
"Lilly," he started,
"Please, Tim" he took a deep breath. He wasn't afraid of saying it - he knew he loved Lilly as a friend - he was just afraid that she would take it in the wrong way but for her sake, he said it, hoped to God she knew he meant it in the friendliest way possible.
"Yes, Lilly I do love you" a lot of silence followed in which he thought the episode had ended but then she said,
"Then kiss me," and all hope of her taking it the right way drained out of his body
" no, no, no," Tim said moving his arm from around her shoulder. As he tried to stand Lilly grabbed onto his bicep to pull him back down but he was stronger than she estimated. So, she stood too and without a second thought she got on her tippy toes and pressed her lips to his, she muffled his alarmed sound. His lips were warm and she didn't get a chance to so, she imagined he would taste sweet. The kiss lasted less than a second as Tim pushed Lilly off of him and he wiped his mouth on the back of his sleeve. Lilly felt a pang in her chest at that and her eyes threatened to well up with tears again.

"My God, Lilly what the hell was that?" He asked shocked and angry
"You- you just - Ada is your best friend, I'm your friend - God, Lilly I'm Ada's boyfriend!" he all but yelled, starting to pace
"Oh God Lilly what have you done? What did you... do? - Why?" He asked, Lilly, imagined Ada's reaction and hoped she'd be angry - that they'd fight and break up and that Tim would come to her in the middle of the night looking for comfort and she would give him all the comfort he needed.
"LILLY!" He yelled looking at the girl who stared blankly back at him. "Say something!" She didn't say anything. What would she say?
"I've wanted to do that and more for a long time now"?
"I have to go," Tim said shaking his head and making his way toward the door
"Oh God," she heard him mutter as he left.
when he did, Lilly took a second or two to process the situation and her knees buckled. She fell toward the bed and began to cry.


When Lilly woke next, Sizwe was shaking her awake, she looked around, it was high afternoon. She rubbed her eyes yawning and Sizwe crinkled his nose
"Well, good afternoon miss morning breath," he said and she rolled her eyes
"What do you want?"
"Come on - we're going to the spot," he said already walking out of her door. She almost went to follow but then she thought about Ada and how angry she'd be and she realised she didn't really want to see her that way. Especially not when she was sure the anger would be directed at her. But she couldn't say no. The five made a pact a long time ago - when someone goes to the spot -  they all go to the spot, no arguments.

"Alright," she said following behind Sizwe reluctantly.
"Why are we going?" She asked taking two steps for every one step that Sizwe took
"I don't know, Asher wants to see us all" he said chuckling to himself not believing that his best friend would actually have anything actually important to say.

When Lilly and Sizwe arrived at the spot she saw Tim with his arms wrapped around Ada. He was kissing her neck and saying things that were making her giggle. When Lilly caught her eye Ada flashed her a blinding smile, when she looked to Tim he only looking at her with eyes that were void. When Ada was talking to Sizwe Lilly mouthed
"Why didn't you tell her?" To Tim who he replied
"You kissed me, you can tell her," Lilly said nothing further and neither did Tim.

"Okay so, Ladies and Gents I have called this meeting here today because I believe that it is very important that we discuss the arrival of Maverick"



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