chapter eight

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Maverick sat in the board room trying not to be obvious about his boredom. He tries his hardest not to roll his eyes at the words that escaped Damian's mouth and tried to distract himself by playing with his hair, rolling around in his seat and, or destroying his nail beds.

Danika and Damian were nothing like their parents they were, In fact, according to Maverick, they were the exact opposite. The vampire-werewolf hybrid twins were much weaker (literally) than their elders as they didn't feed off of human blood nor did they hunt or even shift into their werewolf form very often. Maverick thought it was pathetic, really, the twins acted as though they were embarrassed by their true selves. They were too close with the humans - constantly protecting them whereas their parents would have made sure to use them as servants. Annabelle and Jonathan were firm believers that human beings were the lesser species occupying the earth - humans had less mutated and advanced cells - it's science. 

Maverick had always admired Annabelle Narcisse and Jonathan Rusk. They had ruled their kingdom greatly, always favoring their own (the supernatural) and protecting them against the hatred of human beings. Maverick had loved them as if they were his parents and often found himself longing for the days when they were still alive and their pack was still at its peak. Before Danika and Damian had done what they did.

"Shouldn't you be listening to this?" Lily whispered putting a hand on Mavericks thigh, bringing him out of his reverie, he looked over at her and raised an eyebrow
"For your... you know?" When he met her gaze, Lilly could not see a thing in his eyes. They were stone cold, icy blue. Not a single emotion could she detect and she didn't know if she should be worried by it or intrigued. She thought it was because he had all these walls built up that she wanted to break down. As if she could change him. As if she could make him better.

"I already - actually -mh yeah I should"
Maverick nodded, facing the front of the room and putting on his best listening face. Did he honestly think he could say he already knew every detail about someone else death? He didn't trust Lilly enough with that information. He knew she was still attached to her friends and that she hadn't fully submitted to him and until then he would have to keep some information from her.

He turned and looked at Damian and Danika at the head of the table as they droned on about Lisa's funeral arrangements and tried not to smirk. They were simple, the Rusk twins. How could they not recognise the execution-style which had been used on both Eric and now Lisa? It's something they should have been familiar with seeing as their parents had used it often. But then, they always thought they were better than their parents. It would be their downfall - because now, they had no idea that the murder was sitting in the board room with them, undetected.

"Does anyone have anything to say?" Danika asked quietly for suggestions. The twins both looked a mess, Danika's long hair was greasy tied up in a tangled bun and Damian's lay lifeless against his cheeks. Their eyes red, deep purple bags under them. That was another thing that made them so different from their parents - though Annabelle and Jonathan treated every supernatural in their kingdom equally and with concern, they never became too attached to them. Not like Danika and Damian were.

"Anyone?" Damian asked again and Maverick slid down into his chair waiting for this meeting to be over.


"I don't know guys," Asher said when the five met in the forest straight after the meeting.
"Maverick is soooo like... weird" he said again running a hand through his sandy blonde hair.
"I agree with Asher," Ada said inspecting her fingernails
"I mean did you hear him in the meeting? 'So what if Lisa died?' like who even says that?" She asked sounding disgusted,

"Guys-" Lilly tried to interrupt, tried to defend Maverick but they didn't listen

"And fighting with Danika and Damian? What was that?" Sizwe added

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