Chapter 2

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Shiro's POV:

As Yua and I walk down the sidewalk, I notice her shiver. Yua's never really open about her feelings, or anything as a matter of fact, so I have to figure it out. She's tough, honestly. It's hard to make her cry, but it's really easy to make her mad. I take off my hood and give it to her. She needs it more than I do.

"Here. Take my hood," I say.

"I don't need it. I'm fine." Clearly not.

"Yes, you do. You're shivering, and it's pretty cold out here."

"Then won't you need it?" I put it on her anyway. I walk her home and she returns my hood.

"Good night Shiro," she tells me.

"Good night," I reply. I sigh.

As I walk down the stairs to my apartment, I see a bunch of boys walking towards me while laughing and talking. I can't exactly tell what they look like in the dark, but they sound familiar. I look at my watch and the time shows '8:34 pm'. As they come closer, I start to recognize them. Then it hits me! They're those boys from my math class. They're always picking on everyone, so I try to avoid them as much as I can. I think their names are Kai, Haruki, Haruto, Daisuke, and Tsuki. Kai is their leader.

"Hey, where'd your girlfriend go?" Kai asks once he sees me reach the bottom floor. Tsuki laughs and replies, "Who cares? It's dark and he's all alone." 

"She's not my girlfriend," I mumble.

"What was that?" Kai says.

"I said she's not my girlfriend!" I shout and it echoes. I worry that someone might've heard it.

"Yeah, doesn't seem like it, to be honest," Daisuke snickers.

"She probably doesn't even like you anyway." No one says that about us. Wait, us?! No! Stop it, Shiro. You and Yua are best friends! Nothing more!

"Shut up," I say quietly at first.

"Just leave me alone." Kai isn't smiling anymore. He looks serious.

"No one talks to me like that. Boys, what do we do to people who disrespect Kai?" Kai refers to himself in 3rd person, which annoys the heck out of me. The boys start smirking and punching their hands. Before I get a chance to start running, Haruto grabs my shirt and punches me. The others start to punch and hit me as well.

After a while, they finally leave. It honestly doesn't hurt much, but I'm mainly worried about what my mom is going to say. Yua thinks that I'm "overprotective", and I guess I am. I'm pretty sure that I get it from my mom. She's pretty overprotective of me and my brother and sisters. I have one older brother and 2 older sisters.

When I reach my apartment, I hesitate to knock on the door, but I do it anyway.

"Who is it?" My mom asks.

"Mom, it's me," I say. My mom opens the door and gasps when she sees my face. It's bruised and scratched all over.

"Shiro! What happened? Who did you get in a fight with? I thought you were with Yua! She's ok, too, right? It's 10:16 pm! You were supposed to be home an hour ago! Does it hurt? Should I get a towel and some warm water? Eiichi—"

"Mom, I'm fine," I interrupt.

"It doesn't hurt much. I'll be in my room, thanks." I head to my room when Eiichi comes out.

"Is something wrong? Whoa, Shiro, what happened to your face?"

"Nothing." I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone. Eiichi's the oldest sibling, Akemi's the second oldest, and Nishi is the youngest. I lay in bed, thinking about tomorrow. Tomorrow's Monday, which means we have school. If Yua takes one look at my face, I bet she'll be worried sick, just like my mother. I have to find a way to hide it from her. I know it's going to be hard, considering we have 6 classes together and our lockers aren't far apart. I close my eyes just for a second.

"Shiro, wake up already! You missed dinner last night, and now you're going to miss school!" I instantly sit up after hearing that last part. How is it morning already? I recognize that high-pitched voice and look to see Nishi tugging at my sleeve.

"Alright, alright! I'm up. What time is it?" Nishi looks at her phone.

"8:17 am. Come on! Yua's been waiting outside for nearly ten minutes!! You're a very deep sleeper. Get up, now!" 8:17?! The bell rings by 8:35! I get up, change my clothes, grab my backpack, and rush towards the door.

"Shiro, you're not going to have breakfast? You already missed dinner, you'll starve!"

"That's ok, I'll eat this apple on the way," I say while washing the apple. When I head outside, I see Yua looking at her watch.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." Yua looks annoyed.

"It's about time! Where were you?" She asks.

"I overslept. Let's go."

Yua's POV:

Shiro doesn't make eye contact with me the whole time while walking to school. In fact, he doesn't even look at me.

"Hey, what's up? Why do you keep looking that way and hiding your face? Are you ghosting me?" I ask.

"If I was ghosting you, I wouldn't be walking with you right now," he says. Ugh. I hate when he avoids my questions like that.

"Why are you hiding your face, though?" There's no way he can avoid that question, right?

"Somethings don't have to be disclosed, you know." Really?

When we arrive at school, Shiro and I head to our lockers which are only 5 lockers apart. Shiro quickly takes his books and heads off to class without saying anything. I wonder what's up with him?

When I get to class, I spend more time wondering why Shiro was being so weird than paying attention. He's normally quite open, unlike me. As I stack my books, Jiro Hirano, a boy in my class, heads up to me and says, "Hi Sakura-san."

"Hi Jiro," I reply. I call him by his first name because I'm older than him by about 5 months.

"What's up?"

"Not much. You nervous for exams?" Exams? What exams? What did I get myself into this time?

"Uh, yeah. I guess so." I say.

"Me too. You wanna study together?" He asks. I'm honestly not sure what to say. I don't really want to go, but I'm worried if I say no, it might hurt his feelings. He's the youngest in the class, so he's too much of a "cinnamon roll" for me to say no.

"Hey, Jiro. Sorry, but she's already studying with me." Shiro? Where did he come from? And what happened to his face?!

"Oh, no problem. Are you guys dating or something?" Jiro's question catches us both off guard.

"Um, no. Not really. Still just best friends," I say with an awkward smile.

After we leave the class, I try to find a time to ask Shiro about his face. It looks pretty wounded.

"So, Shiro, um, what happened to your uh... face...?" I ask, sort of hesitantly.

"Oh that. Nothing really." He says this next part so fast, it almost takes me a while to catch it. "Just a few punches to the head."

"What??" I reply.

"It's no big deal. Doesn't really hurt. Anyways, it's lunch. I'm just going to grab my notebook, and you can, too!" He acts nonchalant while I'm losing my mind over here.

"Shiro, stop. Who punched you? And when did it happen? Did it happen last night? Also, why were you hiding it? Come on, tell me!" He sighs. I know I'm being annoying, but I care about him.

"Fine, I'll tell you, but only because I know you won't stop bugging me until I do.

(1294 words)

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Let me know if there are any mistakes and I'll try to fix them. The next chapter will probably be shorter since I have school, but I'll try making up for it. —Mido-chan ♡

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