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"Boy, it is a good thing you drew the picture." the tattooist jokes. The trio was at a tattoo parlor. Seline and Scott were getting tattoos. Scott was getting two bands on his arm. Seline was getting the phrase 'carpe diem'. It means to make the most of the present time and giving little thought to the future. She was getting on her inner arm, just below where her elbow folds.

Seline went first since it was simple and wouldn't take as much time as Scott's. Stiles gently gazes at her arm in awe. "It looks gorgeous, angel." 

Angel was his nickname for her. He always believed she was his guardian angel. She protected him from horrendous monsters, she made him feel happy and content.

"Anything looks gorgeous on me." Seline cockily replies. Stiles rolls his eyes and picks up a book. It had ideas for tattoos.

"Hey Scott," Stiles said, lifting the book. "What about this one?" It was a lizard, that closely resembled the kanima. Scott glared in response. "Too soon?" Stiles continues, "I don't know man. Are you sure about this? You know they are pretty permanent, right?"

"Nothing is changing my mind." Scott shoots back.

To which, Stiles responds, "Okay, why two bands though?"

"I just like it." Scott shrugs.

"But don't you think your first tattoo should mean something." Stiles tries to persuade Scott.

"Getting a tattoo means something," Scott replies, annoyed with Stiles.

"I don't-" Stiles starts but is cut off by Seline.

 "Stiles! Let him be."

"I just-" Stiles starts again.

"No." Seline cuts off again.

Stiles slumps his shoulder and pouts. The tattooist explains the meaning of tattoo in Tahitian.

"Okay, you ready?" the tattooist says, looking at Scott. "Got any problem with needles?" To which, Scott shakes his head.

"I tend to get squeamish though-" Stiles declares before fainting. Seline catches him before his head hits the ground.

"You okay?" Stiles asks in the car, noticing Scott groaning in pain. Seline sat in the front next to Stiles while Scott sat in the back.

"Kind of burns," Scott responds, looking at his arm.

Stiles sarcastically responds, "Yes, you had your skin repeatedly poked with a needle about ten thousand times."

"Yeah, but I don't think it is supposed to hurt like this," Scott says, as the pain increase. "Oh god, it definitely isn't supposed to feel like this." Scott tugs on the bandage.

"Oh no no no," Stiles groans, "Scott please stop."

Seline stifles a laugh and helps Scott take the bandage off. The tattoo heals, leaving all three teens in shock.

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