protect seline [fourteen]

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Stiles, Scott, and Seline were now in Econ. Doodling on the page where she was supposed to write notes, she zoned Coach out. A tired yawn slips from her mouth, before Scott whispers, "Can you do the aura thing on Kira?"

A grin grows on Seline's face. Her job was working. "Absolutely, Scooter."

Scott groans, "Scooter?"

Seline hums, before sensing an intense wave of anxiety and stress wash over her. But it wasn't her stress it was someone in the rooms. As if instinct, Seline glances towards Stiles. He seemed to be in a trance, scribbling, rather aggressively, in his notebook. Coach seemingly took notice of the boy's behavior too, but he took it as the boy daydreaming.

"Stilinski!" Coach yells, still not getting Stiles' attention. "Are you paying attention?" Stiles didn't respond, only scribbling faster and rougher. Seline leans closer to Stiles.

"Sti? Baby?" Seline pokes Stiles' side.

Snapping out of his trance, he looks at Seline then at Coach. "Yes?"

The coach rolled his eyes, "Stop daydreaming about Seline and focus in class. Stop reminding me why I drink... every night."

Stiles' cheek tints slightly to a pink. He turns to look at Seline and Scott, who looked at him, worried. "I'm fine. I just fell asleep."

Scott and Seline glance at each other. Scott spoke first, "You weren't asleep."

His notebook page filled with the words, 'wake up'. But the most alarming detail was what was written at the very bottom.

'Protect Seline.'

The trio arrived at the animal clinic to talk to Deaton. Stiles' thoughts were consumed by the two words from before. He hadn't told Seline or Scott about it, only the 'wake up'. "It sounds like your subconscious is trying to communicate with you," Deaton says, pulling Stiles out of his thoughts.

"Well, how do I tell my subconscious to use a language that I actually know?" Stiles sasses, making Seline smile. At least he still had his humor.

"What did the signs look like?" Seline asks, looking at Stiles, who raises his eyebrows. "Lydia and I were bored so she taught me sign language this summer," Seline explains.

"I'm... not surprised." Stiles moves his hands in front of him. Holding up a finger, he uses his other hand to loop around the finger.

"That is 'when'" Deaton informs the two non-sign language-speaking teens. Seline nodding in agreement.

He does another motion, "Then there was this, twice."

"Door." Seline hums, leaning against the metal table. Stiles does one last movement.

"That's it?" Deaton asks.


"When is a door not a door?" Seline says. The boys look at her, confused. "It translates to 'when is a door not a door?'."

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