Chapter 4

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Hope you enjoy this! I know I haven't updated this book in so long I am!



Tonight went really well. I actually had fun which is such a foreign feeling for me nowadays. I usually only get like this when I'm with martin, my sister and Max.

Alessandro talked to us all and went through some designs he though we would suit. When he was going through pictures of the different choices for me I was in love with them all. I dont know how I was able to choose just one of the options but I eventually came to a decision.

I chose a beautiful pink dress that looks like something straight out of a Disney movie. It looked like a dress up costume I would've worn when I was 6 but my guess is thats what drew me to it the most. Since the theme is camp I also decided on the most outlandish design, hence all the ruffles and glitter coating the pretty pink fabric.

As the night progressed so did all of our drinking and I could bet alot of money that no one left this dinner sober enough to walk in a straight line except from me. I was used to it, sure I was a little tipsy but that was all, my alcohol tolerance is something to be proud of and if I wanted to be buzzed it would take a lot more then a few glasses of wine and some champagne.

Its now the very end of the night and I'm in the toilet of the restaurant checking my hair and make up after having a piss that I was holding for the majority of the night.

I start to push up my hair with my fingertips to revive some of the volume and I look in my purse for my lipgloss that I wanted to re-apply.

After ive done that I go on my phone to Michael's contact to send him a voice note because I'm too lazy to type.

"Helloooo. Guess what, and you'll never believe it Mikey , I didn't fuck anything up. Yes thats me! Thats ya girl! I am now 100% wearing the prettiest gucci dress at the met gala 2019 and I cant fucking wait! Letss gooooo!" I send it off to him and put my phone and lip gloss away, realising I sound like a middle aged man who's celebrating their football team winning the league.

Suddenly, as I'm looking in the mirror, I hear the toilet doors open and see the rich colour of royal blue. Instantly my brain thinks of the coloured suit I have been sat next to all night.

What the fuck is he doing in the girls bathroom? Did he walk in here by accident?

"Hello Harry Styles. Having fun in the women's bathroom?" I ask questionably turning my lips down and looking at his shocked face through the mirror.

"I could've sworn the stick man on the door was wearing pants!" He says pointing back at the door behind him. He has a shit eating grin on his face. Did he do this on purpose?

"It doesn't unfortunately. But so what if its wearing a dress!" I reply as well as turning around and facing him with my lower back pressed to the countertop with sinks lining it. I cross my arms over myself and tilt my head at him wondering why he is just stood at the entrance staring at me.

"Harry Styles, you are very very confusing. Are you just going to stare or are you going to use the facilities?" I question while pointing at the cubicles I'm guessing he wanted to use for whatever reason.

Eminence (h.s) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें