Chapter 7

26 3 17

Hello again!

hope you enjoy this chapter ly <3 x

ADELE - Million Years Ago



While my feet take me the opposite direction to the venue I get a giddy feeling in my chest and I cant seem to stop the stupid smile that comes across my face.

Even though every few seconds I see Bailey looking at me like I'm a psyco thats put her up to the craziest shit. Correct me if I'm wrong, though I'm never wrong, I'm pretty sure this was her idea. I'm just happy to be here and included in something thats not a shitty overrated party or fancy dinner thats as dull as dishwater.

"Harry maybe not, you know? Maybe I didn't mean it? Lets go back."  Bailey suddenly comes to a stop in front of me and I nearly head butted the back of her head but caught myself before I caused us both head injuries.

"Are you kidding? pleaseeeeee. I want to leave." I wine like a child.

I know I only have three annoying qualities. One of them being impatient, another is being too closed off and the last is I'm annoying; like a child.

Some could say my narcissism is a part of that list but I don't see that as a negative aspect if my personality.

"Harry what am I going to say to my manager or to Max about me leaving 2 hours earlier than I should" she turns around to look into my eyes and I can see how nervous shes gotten.

Her full bottom lip tucked under her teeth, her hands subtly shaking and fiddling with the hair around her face, her knees popping in and out as the sound of her heels repeatedly clack onto the marbled floor of the large hall venue we are stuck at.

When my attention is brought back to her face her eyes cant seem to stick to one spot as they bounce from waiters to flooring tiles to lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling then back to me; Like a game of cat and mouse.

"Tell them you got an urgent call or you broke your ankle or you saw an old evil ex or just tell em' its my fuckin' fault. Lets just go." I try to win her over again while hoping from one foot to the other to show my urgency.

"Broke my ank- Harry are you crazy? What the hell? How the fuck would that work or make sense?" She scoffs at me while steading her hands on my shoulders to stop them shaking and to halt my bouncing because people are probably staring.

"Oh shit, Well you got my gist. Just tell em' you had an accident. Do you really wanna watch models just walk about a stage in some crazy fuckin' clothes and the only thing they're advertising is the fuckin' bag hanging from their fingers. Like what the fuck? Get a real fuckin' job."

Baileys mouth drops, "Harry, you prick, thats also my job" she punches my arm. Hard. Owe shit.

I completely forgot she was a model, if l'm being honest. She doesn't act the same as the ones I know or have 'dated'. She reminds of girls from my high school actually.

"Fuck off you know what I mean-" I dont even know what I mean "-you're different".

She cringes at my choice of wording and then I realise what I said and cringe as well.

"What the fuck harry, this isnt some romance novel" isnt she a charmer.

"Im sorry. You just act different you know?  Anyway you ready to go yet? I wanna have a few drinks, maybe a dance? Wait you wanna' paint each others nails and chat shit about stuck up people? Yeah me neither. Lets just have some wine and watch the notebook." Wait.... what if she doesn't like wine?

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