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Key: these will be at the beginning of the actual story (a new part of the actual story starts after a long space of blank in the text, please leave a comment here if this is confusing, I will definitely try my best to clarify:))

italic-Emily-Anne's POV
bold-Aaron POV

Let me catch you up, on November 2nd, 1971, the Hotchners had their first baby, a little boy, who they named Aaron James Hotchner.

On July 27th, 1972, the Adams had their first baby, a little girl, who they ended up naming Emily-Anne Adams.        

May 15th, 1973
The Adams had moved into their new house in a small suburban neighborhood, they found a cute house on a dead end street, the perfect place for their family.

They had lived there for about a month, not doing much more then waving and offering a smile to the neighbors when they crossed paths, until today when the Adams heard a knock on the door, Mr. Adams opened the door, to see a man, a woman, and a little boy, that couldn't be more then 2 years old.

"Hi there, we just wanted to come introduce ourselves, we're the Hotchners, I'm Steven, this is my wife Cassandra, and this is our son Aaron, we wanted to give you a little bit of time to settle in before we came and introduced ourselves" The man said with a laugh, as his son waved.

"Honey, can you bring Emily-Anne here, the neighbors are here!" Mr. Adams yelled into the kitchen.

"Please, come in, we have a daughter named Emily-Anne, Id say she's about your sons age, it would be nice to have some people with kids her age in the neighborhood." Mr. Adams continued as he led the Hotchners into the living room, as his wife carried his daughter out.

"I'm Scott, and this is my wife Andrea, and our daughter Emily-Anne" Mr.Adams said.

Mrs.Adams put her daughter down next to the Hotchners son on the ground.

August 25th, 1986

Chapter 1

"Hey Mrs.Hotchner! How are you?" I said as I walked into the Hotchners house.

"Hey sweetheart, Aaron's upstairs in his room" She said.

"Thank you!" I said behind me as I turned the corner going up the stairs and walking to Aaron's room.

As I walked in I saw Aaron sitting at his desk, back to the door finishing up the summer reading assignment, headphones on, so out of nature I had to sneak up behind him, what are friends for?

I tried to walk quietly still, completely aware i could be wearing tap shoes and this boy wouldn't hear me with his music so loud.

I finally got close enough.

"Boo!" I yelled as I tased his sides, resulting in him ripping off his headphones and turning around faster then I ever had seen him before.

"What the hell Emmy you scared the shit out of me" Aaron said as he paused his music, putting his headphones on the desk.

Aaron was the only person who called me Emmy, or at least the only person who I let call me Emmy. When we met we were both still toddlers, we couldn't talk when we met each other, and let's face it, both our names weren't the easiest to say as a child.

Resulting in the nickname Emmy because that's what Aaron could get out of Emily, and we didn't even bother with the Anne, which was fine, it was kinda extra anyways.

Believe it or not | Aaron Hotchner Where stories live. Discover now