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      August 27th, 1986
                                 chapter 2
"Emmy we're gonna be late" I yelled from downstairs. Emmy and I always walk to school together since it's less then 1/2 a mile away, but it's safe to say shes not a morning person.

Mr and Mrs. Adams always leave early for work so I never feel bad coming in and yelling to get Emily out of bed.

"We don't have to leave for another hour" She said once she got downstairs.

"I know, but you wouldn't have eaten anything then you would've been grumpy all day until you got food, so now you can eat" I said with a laugh, which she returned rolling her eyes.

"You're lucky I love you Hotchner" She yelled behind her as she walked upstairs to get dressed, I know she just meant it in a platonic way but it still made me smile.


                              Chapter 2
"We don't have to leave for another hour" I said, pissed off I could've slept longer if Aaron didn't wake me up.

"I know, but then you wouldn't have eaten anything, then you would've been grumpy all day until you got food, so now you can eat." He said, he's right, but I'll never give him the satisfaction of knowing that.

"You're lucky I love you Hotchner" I said as I ran upstairs to get dressed. He definitely took it in the platonic way, I've had feelings for Aaron since we were like 8, I'm pretty sure it's obvious to everyone except him, but that's okay cause I don't want to have feelings for him, he's my best friend, that's why I'm trying to bring Hailey into the picture.

A few minutes later I came back downstairs.

Chapter 2
"Okay Hotchner, what we eating?" I heard from behind me after a few minutes of Emily being gone.

I turned around to see what she finally decided on since she kept talking about how she had no clue what to wear, and damn, this girl shocks me every time I swear. No matter what she wears she looks absolutely gorgeous.

"Up to you, you know I'll eat anything" I said.

About half an hour later we were walking to school, and before I knew it we were already at lunch and Emily came up stealing a sip out of my water bottle.

"I told you to bring a water" I said with a laugh.

"Where's the fun in that?" She said.

We had all our periods together in the second half of the day, so we didn't see each other til after lunch. The whole lunch period just consisted of us taking turns talking about all our classes.

"By the wayyyyyy" She started, whenever she holds one of her words out like that I know it's always gonna be something I won't like right away.

"Oh no" I said.

"You're doing crew with me this year, I swear it'll be fun Ron" She said

"I'll only do it if you'll seriously stop calling me Ron." I said with a laugh.

"Fine I'll try, I need someone to do crew with me" She said. The bell rang shortly after that and we walked to class, and before we knew it the last bell rang.

Just like every other year, I walked into the locker room to get ready for practice, which started 15 minutes after school got out.

"So when's the wedding" My friend Anthony said as we were walking to the field.

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