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Possible TW: Smoking

                                  Chapter 7
Luckily I have a family who knows me well enough, that I don't like to make a big deal out of the fact that I leave tomorrow. Honestly I'm ready to leave, everyone around here is just so monotone and just, I don't even know how else to describe it, I'm just ready to leave.

"Emily-Anne sweetheart, Aaron's at the door" I heard my mom yell from downstairs. I haven't seen Aaron since graduation, what could he possibly want now.

I went downstairs, walking over to the door.

"Hey, you busy?" He asked

"I'm just finishing packing, why what's up?" I asked

"Okay, I'm stealing you" He said grabbing my hand and pulling me out the front door.

"Aaron what are you doing" I said

"We're going for a drive" He said

"What" I said with a laugh

"I'm stealing you, we're going for a drive" He said as we reached his car. You haven't talked to me for almost 3 weeks, why all of a sudden now?

                              Chapter 7

Emily-Anne leaves tomorrow. If I'm gonna be honest with myself I've been avoiding the fact shes actually leaving and so soon. But shit my best friend of my whole life leaves in less then 24 hours and I've avoided her for the past three weeks, god I really am an ass.

I finally realized I have to do something about this. Haley and I have been on a break since graduation night, she asked for a little time, so I gave it to her, she's gonna get mad that I'm seeing Emily-Anne without her knowing but it's whatever.

I grabbed a blanket and two sweatshirts throwing them in the back of my car, and throwing my keys in my pocket before I walked over to the Adams' house, knocking on the front door.

"Hey sweetie, what's up?" Mrs.Adams asked

"Hey, is Emily-Anne here?" I asked, she nodded before turning towards the stairs.

"Emily-Anne sweetheart, Aaron's at the door"

A minute later she popped up behind her mom at the door, her mom walking back to the kitchen. I could see the confused look on her face. Yep, I've been an ass.

"Hey, you busy?" I asked

"I'm just finishing packing, why what's up?" She said, I know thats a lie, she finished a while ago, she's Emily-Anne, she doesn't do anything the night before.

"Okay, I'm stealing you" I said grabbing her hand, guiding her across the yard.

"Aaron what are you doing?" She asked

"We're going for a drive" I said

"What?" She said

"I'm stealing you, we're going for a drive" I said making her look me in the eyes, something was bugging her, she looks like her hearts been smashed into a million little pieces and she's been picking up all the pieces by herself slowly. Oh Emily-Anne.

We got into the car, and I started driving, we had one specific spot we always go to, we haven't been here in a while ago. All the time we used to come to the lake right before sunset, what the sunset, sometimes smoke a blunt, and then look at the stars until her heart was content. When they got tolerable we brought Jack and Sean too sometimes.

She was silent for nearly the whole ride. I had to break the silence.

"Okay, I'll admit it, I've been avoiding you, well, not avoiding you, avoiding the fact that your leaving literally tomorrow, I know I've been an ass the past few years, I can't let you leave hating me." I said, to my surprise, she just started laughing.

Believe it or not | Aaron Hotchner Where stories live. Discover now