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Chapter 8
Well, 12 years of Virgina public schooling, and 4 years at UNC, I made it into FBI training at Quantico. I had just graduated from UNC two weeks ago.

I'll admit it was one of the first times I've seen my parents since I left before Freshman year. I never came home, I did college like I wanted to, while simultaneously keeping my promise to Haley, to let her and Aaron be. Is it the most difficult thing I've ever done? Yes. But did I do it? Yes. Have I moved on from Aaron? Kinda. Has he still been on my mind every single day since I left? Absolutely, but that's not the point, I haven't seen him since I left, I owed that to Hales.

Honestly getting in was a big shock to me. All I knew was I was at a game one day, yes I kept up with softball all through college, not only do I love the sport but it was paying for my school, I luckily had a great game, when I walked back into the dugout at the end of the game, my coach pointed to a man in a suit who apparently wanted to talk for me, the conversation still plays on loop in my head.

"Hey, Adams that man over there asked to speak to you" Coach told me getting back into the dugout, I walked over to the guy in the suit.

"Hi, are you Emily-Anne Adams?" He asked

"Yes sir, and you are?" I asked

"I'm Joe Moore, I'm teaching next semesters course at Quantico, I saw your application, and you stood out to me, saw you had a game, decided to come see it, I'm impressed" He said

"Thank you sir" I said

"A fact we keep secret at Quantico, is theres four of us who teach the class, we all read through the applicants, and we all find one who interests us, who we think can make it, and follow them to the end, see them through, so I have a question" He asked

"Okay, shoot" I said

"On a scale of 1-10, how serious are you about being in the FBI?" He asked

"On a scale of 1-10, okay, a 14" I said with a laugh

"Good answer. There's a spot in next semesters class if your up for the challenge" He said

"Absolutely sir, thank you" I said

"It's great to see people actually wanting to join the FBI, I'll see you in six weeks Adams, I'm on my way back to headquarters, I'll put this in as soon as I get back, we're glad to have you, I'll be in touch soon" He said

"Thank you sir" I said shaking his hand.

And he told the truth, he was in touch every couple weeks, we grabbed coffee once or twice just to build a little bit of a relationship, and he told me only 3 females are in our class, including me, so basically it's gonna be a fight against the testosterone. Once I filled him in on the fact that I basically grew up with three brothers he realized I'll be fine.

He called me last night to ask if I could come in at 5:15 instead of 6:15, the three other recruiters have the people they've kept eyes on coming in early to meet each other, so basically the worthy competition, so obviously I said of course.

Quantico was only about 10 minutes from my apartment, so now I'm here, getting in my car a few minutes before 5, if I'm completely honest I'm shocked I made it. So many people apply a year, it's rare to get in the first time you apply.

"Adams, its great to see you" I heard as I came in. It was Joe.

"Thank you sir, you too" I said.

"This are the other people teaching this class with me, Jonathan Mitchell, Andrew Reinman, and Brendan Allred. This is Emily-Anne Adams" He said

"You picked a girl Moore?" Agent Allred said. I expect that

"I picked an agent who I think has what it takes" He said. At least I have someone here who'll have my back.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2021 ⏰

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