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October 15th, 1986

Chapter 3

"Hey Emmy" I said, it was only us up on the catwalk above the stage, she convinced me to join crew.

"Hey" She said back, as I took a few steps closer to see the scene she pointing the lights at.

"Woah who's that" I said, there was a girl on stage giving a monologue, about 5'5, short blonde hair, she was pretty cute, but nothing compared to Emily-Anne.

"Thats Haley you doof, the same girl Ive been trying to set you up with for months." She said whacking my chest.

"She's coming over later tonight, I'll switch my color to green when we're in my room" She said with a smirk.

I don't get why she's trying so hard to set me up with this Haley chick, but it's for sure important to her.

Once this scene ended, everyone was done for the day, and Emily-Anne ran down the stairs from the catwalk up to Haley.

Tonight was gonna be interesting to say the least.

Chapter 3

"Hey Emmy" I could tell it was Aaron coming up behind me, we were the only two people allowed up on the catwalk.

"Hey" I was far too focused to remove my eyes from what I was working on, I could feel him come closer though.

"Woah, who's that" He said looking down at the scene, Haley was giving the monologue that she gives at the end of the play, Haley's always been a great actor. We only had a week until opening night.

"Thats Haley you doof, the same girl Ive been trying to set you up with for months" I said giving him a slight whack on the chest.

"She's coming over later tonight, I'll switch my color to green when we're in my room" I said giving him a smile before shifting my attention back to the scene. I need to get over him.

Rehearsal finally ended and Aaron and I started walking home.

"So why do you want me to meet Haley so bad?" He asked. Of course I couldn't tell him straight to his face that it was because I needed to get over him.

"Haley never thinks a guys cute, you're a rare breed Hotchner" I said with a laugh as we neared our houses.

"Okay anyways, Haley will be over in about a half an hour. I'll change it to green, keep an eye out Ron" I said as I walked away.

"I'll only come over if you don't call me Ron" He said as I walked away.

"We'll see about that Ron" I said sticking my head out my front door before ducking in. My parents worked til 5:30 most nights and Jack was as his friends.

Once I got inside I went up and started working on my homework as the phone in my room rang.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey, it's me, walking out my front door now be there in 5"

"Okay, see you then Hales, I'm in my room, just come right up" I said as she hung up, I was so close with Haley she knew the code to the key box, the only other people to know the code to it was the Hotchners.

I went back to my homework until I heard the front door open.

"Hey Em, I'm here" She yelled coming up the stairs, I quickly taped up my green paper, winking at Aaron through the window as I did so.

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