Hearts Crumble Quicker Than Ash

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A/N I know the updates for this book have been non-existent, but I'm running out of ideas. So basically, after this one, I'm going to put this book on hold unless I get more ideas or any suggestions, so feel free to DM me any suggestions. This is a Valentine's Special so I hope you enjoy (though this is a bit angsty) and happy Valentine's day!


Set from Jem's perspective as a Silent Brothers when he sits on Will, who is on his death bed.


Memories haunt me as I see your eyes die of colour

And your words stick to me as your soul leaves this world

How I love you and how you treated me as a normal person

How you never saw me as any different to any other warrior

And how you relied on me and how I relied on you

But now as you fade away

I find no tears nor words

My mouth and eyes are shut but I feel the pain

I feel the pain as my sould rips to shreds

Here you leave me on this day

Here is the day half my soul breaks away

Why does it seem like only yesterday 

When we were two hearts knit together by a bond

And when we were already ripped apart by an evil force

And now you leave me behind, forever on my own

With my own silence to lul me to sleep

One last word I wish I was able to say to you

I wish I was able to still call you my parabatai

I wish you were back in my room quoting random things

I wish we were never separated

I wish we could live and die and go on together

But here you lay away from my grasps

Me unable to save you and me wanting to break

But duty bounds me to stay strong and say goodbye

And hence why I say these words to you William Herondale

Ave atque vale, my brother, my parabatai

As the words echo around the room, I can't help but think that

Hearts crumble quicker than ash.


A/N Well, I think I just wanted to write this to show Valentine's day can be about friendship love as well, but I have no clue why I had to make it angsty. Oh well. Please comment and vote if you liked it.

And that's ta ta from me on this book for now. Hope your Valentine's day was good!

Thank you for sticking with me through this book.

I love you, IC

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