Run Away

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Tessa's perspective after watching her kids and husband die,(and also with Jem being a Silent Brother) because of her immortality.

Echoes of laughter

Through hallways and rooms,

All as a ghost

That haunts my soul...

What do I do now?

Her dark hair and his golden eyes

Touches as soft as feather,

All comes back

In a rush too fast...

What do I do now?

Dark hair and blue eyes

A broken boy mends,

As I watched him and fell in love

But now he's gone...

What do I do now?

A boy so weak and strong

On the verge of death,

But he survived

By leaving me behind...

What do I do now?

I run away, run away, run away,

Please hide me from heartbreak.

Something strong and unbreakable shatters.

As death and love twin together,

I run away, run away, run away

From myself...

My immortal self...

Run away... Immortal... Myself... Run away...


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