Chapter 3

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Flame and the other were about to leave till they heard a door open and turned around to see Creek come out of a room

"Oh! It's the hippie who released me." Flame said, taking his shirt off, looking for another

"I- I've noticed that you've gotten Barb under control." Creek said

Flame smirked and looked at Creek

"Yeah. Something like that. We can say she's taking a little break. A long one at that." Flame said

He took off his shorts and the fishnet stockings and put on some pants

"Are you really undressing your own granddaughter?" Creek asked

"Who cares. There isn't much to see anyway. Also! I'm trying to get comfortable while I'm in here." Flame said

"Intresting, interesting. Alright mate listen-"

"Don't call me mate." Flame said

"S-sorry, but you could've always gone into someone else's body." Creek said

"Are you questioning Flames actions?" Lenna asked

"NOBODY QUESTIONS KING FLAME!!" Racer and Law shouted

"Yeah. Nobody does, so maybe we should fix that." Flame smirked

Lenna, Racer, and Law floated out of the way behind Flame as he stepped forward and grabbed Creek by his hair

"Alright hippie, I'm grateful for you letting me out of that mirror, but maybe you don't deserve one." Flame said

"What do you-"

There was a sharp feeling in Creeks stomach. There was a sword sticking right through Creek as pink blood came out. Flame went right next to Creeks right ear

"Thanks for letting me out. Now I have some business to take care of. Now. Get off of my sword." Flame said

Flame pushed Crek off as pink blood was on the sword

"Let's get going." Flame said

"You're half naked." Racer said

Flame looked at himself and noticed he didn't have a shirt on

"Ohhhhh. Alright hold on." Flame said

Flame put the sword on a table and started to look for a shirt or at least a jacket


Meanwhile in Trollstopia, Poppy was looking through her things for a map or at least anything that would tell her where Barb is

That's when she heard the Trolls and left her pod

That's when she saw Barb but she was lot more than usual. Poppy left her pod and went over to her

"Barb?" Poppy asked

The Troll looked at her then laughed

"Ohhh Barb! I totally forgot!" The Troll said as they continued to laugh

"What? What do you mean?" Poppy asked

"Here's a quick summary! I'm her dead grandpa! AND I TOLD HER SO MANY THINGS!! LIKE NONE OF YOU LOVED, CARED, OR WANTED HER!!" The Troll shouted continuing to laugh

"What? Wait! You're Flame?! But- but that's Barbs body!" Poppy said

"EXACTLY!! I BROKE HER!!" Flame shouted with an evil, malicious smile

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