Chapter 7

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Branch, Poppy, and Carol walked through the forest for what felt like hours. They only stopped for a few minutes to eat or drink or even having to go. They finally got tired enough to set up camp for the day

Branch was making a fire for the night while Poppy and Carol were just talking

"You ok?" Poppy asked

"Yeah! Why wouldn't I be?" Carol asked

"Well I don't know, it's just that you've been so worried and scared lately, I couldn't help but notice." Poppy said

"Oh... yeah! I'll be ok, it's just that I miss Barb." Carol said

"That's understandable. We're all worried. Don't worry, we'll find Sparky and tell everything that's going on. Even if we bump into Flame along the way." Poppy said

"Ugh. I hate him." Carol said

"What else did he say to you?" Poppy asked

"He told me that my dad was exactly like Rock, that they were disgusting Trolle who ended up with the wrong one, and he said he should've went and killed my mother too." Carol said

"Oh Carol I'm so sorry. What happened to your dad?" Poppy asked

"He was shot... right in front of me. Well not exactly in front of me, but I saw it.. and it was barely three months after I hatched.." Carol said

"I'm so sorry that happened to you. I can't imagine what that must've been like for you, especially being that young." Poppy said

"That's why we have too find Barb. Not only do I love her more than anything, but she's my best friend. I'd do anything in the world for her." Carol said

"We'll find her." Poppy said

"And done! Alright ladies there's our fire." Branch said

Branch looked at them

"You alright?" Branch asked

"We're ok-"

"I'm just- I'll be back." Carol said and walked away

"What happened?" Branch asked

"Nothing." Poppy said


Carol laid on the grass by a pond and touched the water with a stick and saw someone behind her. She immediately turned but there was no one there

That's when she heard a slight laugh. It was really familiar. Carol turn back around and was face to face with Barb

"Hey!" Barb smiled

"Barb? But how?" Carol asked

"Uhhhhhhh well I'm not dead." Barb said

"I mean how are you here? You were possessed by Flame." Carol said

"I am, and I've learned some interesting things about the Turq Tribe, but anyway listen I'm just in your head and I don't even know if you can save me." Barb said

"Are you nuts? Of course I can!" Carol said

"Righttt just don't get hurt." Barb said

Carol put her hand on Barbs cheek but then Barb faded away. Carol sighed

"When it feels like surgery, and it burns like third degree, and you wonder what is it worth?" Carol sang

"When your inside's breaking in, and you feel that ache again, and you wonder what's going on?" Carol sang

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