Chapter 13

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Barb was walking around in a dark room in who knows what. She didn't know how she got here, she just knew she couldn't get out. That's when she heard a laugh

An awful, familiar laugh that struck fear into her heart anytime she heard it. Barb turned around to see Flame there. Barb fell on the ground as he got closer

"Hey kid. You didn't think you could get away from me did you?" Flame asked

"G-...get away.." Barb said

"Ohhh but Barbara, we're family, we're blood, this was your destiny." Flame said

Barb just looked at him as she tried to get away. Just then she got stuck in a corner. There was a door but it was locked

Flame continued to follow Barb while she kept running and then suddenly tripped

"It'll only hurt a bit.." Flame said

Flame put his hand in front of Barb to touch her face



Barb was panting very heavily and felt that same pain in her chest and put her hand on her chest to feel bandages

Barb was panting very heavily and felt that same pain in her chest and put her hand on her chest to feel bandages

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"What? W-wait.... where am I?" Barb asked, looking around

Barb felt her ears but didn't feel her earrings. Where'd they go? Where was she?

Barb looked around the room some more and saw stuff in a corner that was specifically given to her. How long was she even out?

The last thing she remembered was falling on the ground in that cave before everything went black

Barb heard the door open and looked over to see a familiar face. It was Sparky and she had something in her hand. What was it?

"Sparky?" Barb asked

"Oh! Barb you're awake. About time." Sparky said

"What do you mean "about time?" How long was I out?" Barb asked

"Two days." Sparky said


Barb coughed into her arm then cleared her throat

"It's been that long?" Barb asked

"Yeah, when they started putting the bandages on you I saw the bruises Flame gave you." Sparky said

"Oh... those... look, I don't want to talk about it." Barb said

"It's ok Barb, you don't have to say anything about them." Sparky said

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