Chapter 22

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Barb and Sparky were walking through the forest back to Trollstopia. Barb just looked at her the entire way there. Barb was being extremely selfish earlier

Sparky wanted to stay with the Turq Trolls and so did everyone else. Sparky noticed Barb looking at her and got confused. Barb quickly looked away

"You alright Barb? You keep looking at me." Sparky said

"Y-yeah. I'm alright. All good here." Barb said

"I know something is bothering you. What is it?" Sparky said

Barb looked at her again

"N-nothing I swear." Barb said

"Look you're my cousin. I know you,  so tell me what's wrong." Sparky said

Barb looked at the grass as they continued to walk. That's when Flame just appeared in her head and she immediately got scared

"He's still in my head.." Barb said

"Who?" Sparky asked

"Grandpa. I- I know he's gone, but... he's still there." Barb said

"I know he is, but is that why you keep looking at me? Do you see him in me or something?" Sparky asked


Barb remembered when Sparky's book went messing, and she yelled at her. She pinned her against the wall. That's when she saw Flame in her

"Do I look like him or something? What?" Sparky asked

"No its not that. Just- that day at the hospital... when your book went missing... we were arguing and you just- pinned me against the wall... that's when I saw him..." Barb said

"Aw Barb I'm sorry. I get a lot of anger issues from my dad. When I was little, my dad would always do that same thing to the Hard Rock Trolls that tried to get me, but look I promise, I won't do it again. I'm just really protective over my mothers book, so was my dad." Sparky said

"I just... I just wanted to help out. I didn't wanna be useless that day. Laying in bed.." Barb said

"I know Barb. I just wanted you to get better." Sparky said

"I would've perfectly fine if I just went with you that day." Barb said

"Yeah but stuff happens, and we just gotta choose what way we wanna go." Sparky said

"Yeah... I just wish I could learn to listen for once in my life. You knew he was a bad person, but I wouldn't listen to you.." Barb said

"Hey it's ok." Spaeky said, putting her hand on Barbs shoudler

Barb looked

"How is it ok? I act like a child most of the time." Barb said

"That's just the way you are Barb." Sparky said

Barb looked at her

"But... I- I always fought with you... I always had to be right." Barb said

"Barb it's ok. Look we don't need to worry about the past, we just need to focus on the future." Sparky said

"Well then what's gonna happen in the future?" Barb asked

"We're just gonna have to wait and find out." Sparky said

"You sound wise. It's terrifying." Barb said

"Hehehe yeah. That's how Rock sounded. He always told stuff like that to me." Sparky said

"I really wish the Turq and Hard Rock Trolls could've gotten along before we existed. Maybe then I could've actually met him." Barb said, looking away

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