Chapter 20

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The wormhole opened and shot Flame and Barb out. They saw some weird versions of themselves and just looked at them

"Hola!" One said

"Oh nawwww." Barb and Flame said

The two went back to fighting again. Flame had kicked Barb into another wormhole back to their home


The two then fell into a tree. Barb fell branch by branch before catching herself, and looked up at Flame as he just jumped in front of her, putting his foot on one of Barbs hand

"You hanging in there ok?" Flame asked her

Barb just looked at him trying to not to fall for anymore of his tricks

"Barb!!!!!!!!" Sparky called

"What?!!!!" Barb called

Flame pressed his foot on Barbs hand

"I think it's time for me to save you!!" Sparky said

"Wha- no!! I can handle this!! I'm not gonna let him push me around anymore!!" Barb said

Flame smirked

"Barb you're weak!! You can't fight him alone!!" Sparky said

"I'm not weak!!" Barb said

Flame pressed his foot on Barbs hand once again. Barbs eye twitched from the pain

"Yes you are!" Sparky told her

"I'm not- I don't want him pushing me around!! Not anymore!!!" Barb said

"Let me help you!!" Sparky said

"No! I can show you I'm not weak!! I can prove it to all of you!!!" Barb told her

"Well too bad! I'm helping you anyway!" Sparky said

Barb looked at her feeling kind of hopeless

"No... just let me do this for you!!!" Barb said

"This is my fight, not yours!!" Sparky said

"It might as well be mine too!! You don't know what he did to me!! So many unspeakable things... I WON'T LET HIM WIN!!! I CAN PROVE TO HIM THAT I'M STRONG!!!" Barb said

"Then let me help!!" Sparky said

"No!! That'll just prove his point! You would probably tell me to go back and rest!!" Barb said

"How can I when you're already fighting? Just please, let me help!!" Sparky said

Barb looked at her and then remembered before. Sparky hurt her. It scared her. The only person that Barb saw in there was Flame

"I asked to help to, but you wouldn't let me. You hurt me..." Barb said

Flame smiled as he watched them

"I didn't mean to hurt you. I just wanted you to stay in bed, but you don't listen, you don't listen to me at all!!" Sparky said

"I just wanted to help!!" Barb said

"Not everyone is gonna need help Barb!!" Sparky said

"You wanted Cybil to help!!! Your dorky, blueberry ex husband!!! I JUST DON'T WANNA BE USELESS!!!!" Barb shouted

"Cybil isn't weak!! And he was strong enough to help me, and plus it was just a book!!! You're weak Barb, you could barely move!! And you needed to get rest!!!" Sparky said

Barb looked away feeling something in her eye. Flame had that smile on his face

"I'm... I'm not weak..." Barb said

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