Chaptet 10

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The six Trolls were on there way to this place to where the Turq Trolls lived. Cybil didn't like Mutt even though he had no idea who he was

Branch looked around and saw nothing but trees and bushes and sighed. The sun was already setting

"Are you sure you know where you're going?" Branch asked

"Yeah it's getting dark." Poppy said

"Well I'm gonna find the closest predator." Carol said, walking off

Branch grabbed Carol by her jacket to stop her

"He doesn't know where he's going." Cybil said

"Come on guys. I'm sure Mutt knows exactly where the Turq Trolls are." Sparky said

Mutt smiled

"Why thank you Sparky." Mutt said

Mutt went over to a wall that had vines and moss on it and started to feel around. They all looked at him

"Well he's officially lost it." Branch and Cybil said

Mutt pushed a part of the wall in and a door opened beside him

"HAH!! I knew it!!" Mutt smiled

Branch and Cybil's jaws dropped. Branch took out a note pad from his hair and wrote something down. He put it back

"Trolls, welcome to Turq Home." Mutt said

They walked inside as the door closed behind them and they looked around and saw multiple Turq Trolls around. Sparky felt right at home immediately. The others just looked confused

"Wow! Mutt this place is just amazing!" Sparky said with a smile

"Why thank you. Now I'll go talk to Lake, you can all just do your own thing." Mutt said

"Mutt can I come with you?" Sparky asked

"Oh sure! What about your friends?" Mutt said

"Um... not sure if he'll want everyone there." Sparky said

"That's understandable. They can just look around." Mutt said

"I'm coming -.-" Cybil said, glaring at Mutt

"Ooooooo." Carol smirked

"Ok, you can come Cybil." Sparky said

"Great -.-"

"Well then the rest of you can just- do your own thing." Mutt said

"YUS!!" Carol shouted and ran off

"CAROL WAIT!!" Poppy and Branch shouted, running after her

Mutt then led Sparky and Cybil to Lake as Cybil just gave him that look


Mutt then looked around for Lake with Sparky and Cybil behind him. He moved some vines and held them up so Sparky could get through and let them go and they hit Cybil in the face

Then then arrived to Lakes and Mutt knocked on the door

"I'm telling you. You guys are gonna love him." Mutt smiled

The door opened, allowing them to come inside and they did

"Hey! Lake! How you been?" Mutt said with a smile

"I'm fine Mutt... do you need anything?" Lake asked

"Oh yeah well first meet my friends! I met them outside the wall, anyway! This is Sparky and Cybil." Mutt smiled

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