Chapter Four

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Saitama hadn’t really thought about where he was going, or even why, but he finally found himself in the same forest he had come to with Genos to take on the House of Evolution.  Not quite at the clearing where Genus had placed his lab, but Saitama had recognised the spot as he had been coming down. 

As he had jumped, leaving Genos behind, he had been so full of rage it had scared him.  The thought had entered his mind that he could just take Genos whether he liked it or not and hide them both somewhere extremely far away.  There was no one who could stop him.   He knew it was a fantasy, however.  Saitama knew Genos would only end up hating him for forcing him to betray his principles.

So now Saitama was wondering aimlessly around a forest, wishing he were back in his little apartment with Genos.  The reason he wasn’t was because Genos wasn’t there, and he couldn’t stand the thought of being at home without him.

It was dark, quiet and cold but Saitama didn’t want to go back to where the people where.  He wanted to be alone.  He was trying to hold back the panic that was lurking in the back of his mind.  He had no idea what they were going to do.  He needed to get Genos out of jail, but he didn’t have a clue as to where to start.  He was afraid he wasn’t up for the challenge.  That he wasn’t smart enough to be an actual help to Genos.

Saitama’s first thought had been to find this Katashi kid and threaten him until he told the truth, but he knew that ultimately that wouldn’t really work in Genos’ favour.  Didn’t mean he didn’t want to smash his face in though.  Genos face but the eyes…  he had never seen that look in Genos’ eyes, no matter what the situation had been.

It had been weird seeing Katashi giving his interview, looking so much like Genos.  “I don’t believe that guy for a second,” he said out loud.  Saitama looked up through a gap in the trees to look at the stars.  “Maybe if I could find out the real story, it would help Genos get out of-“

The pain exploded behind his eyes out of nowhere and with a yell, Saitama fell to his knees, his face hitting the dirt as his hands flew to his head.  This time he managed to remain conscious, although it was hard to concentrate with just how bright everything seemed. 

The pain was intense and for what seemed like the longest time it felt like there was nothing else in this world but pain and light so bright that squeezing his eyes closed made no difference.  Slowly however the pain began to subside, but the light did not.  When Saitama could finally concentrate again, he realised that having writing move across his field of vision wasn’t exactly… normal?  Taking a deep breath to help with the lingering pain, he rolled onto his back, forcing his eyes open and once again looking at the stars, but the writing would not go away.  He didn’t see how writing floating in your field of vision was a good sign.

He finally decided to read it instead.


He raised his hand as if to touch it, but it was like it wasn’t even there and he suddenly realised exactly what he was looking at.

Saitama read it through again and again and as he did so, a smile formed on his lips as clues he didn’t know he had, answers to questions he would never have thought to ask, filled his head.  “Kuseno, you sneaky, sneaky bastard.” 

Saitama started laughing, a laugh that was edging close to hysteria, but he felt he deserved a moment to have a little bit of a breakdown. 

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