Chapter Seven

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The underground bunker was bigger than Saitama thought. To be fair, he had never really went exploring in the first one; Genos was usually in surgery and he was usually either in the little kitchen right outside or at home in City Z.

As they moved through the complex the corridor's lights came on as they approached, and lights went off as they left. Saitama was going to fix that. Walking with his back to the dark was creeping him out.

He reached out and took Genos' hand. "Where are we going?"

Genos just shrugged. "I am not sure. I am feeling a little lost."

"I can pull up a map from the nearest computer, if that would help?"

Smiling, Genos squeezed his hand a little tighter. "That's not what I meant." He waved his hand in front of him. "How could I not know about this place? When did he have the time to build it?" He turned to Saitama. "How could be not tell me?"

It was Saitama's turn to shrug. "All he left me with was tech spec. The Doc is still a closed book to me. I mean, did you ever hear Katashi's name mentioned before?"

"Never. He always said there was no point looking backwards. Only to the future." Sighing, Genos stopped walking. "This is all such a mess, Sensei." Genos turned to look directly at Saitama. "What are we going to do now?"

Saitama started walking again, tugging Genos along behind him. "Well, we need somewhere we can call home for a little while for a start. If this is all the same layout, where would we find a bed?"

Genos chuckled at that. "Always so practical. I know somewhere."

They started walking again. "I'm not sure exactly what we should be doing, but I..." Saitama paused, just long enough to gather his thoughts together. "Look, I know you didn't want me to break you out, and I swear, it was always going to be my last option, but I only walked into that trap because I wanted to be near you, to make sure you were ok. I know being on the run was the last thing you wanted. I'm sorry about that. But they were just going to-"

"Sensei, it's fine. I trust you. I suspect what you did was for the best. I cannot allow myself to fall into Metal Knight's hands. He is truly a monster in human form, and I would dread to think what he might do if he got his hands on my technical specifications and weapons systems." Here he turned to look at Saitama again. "Never mind what he would try to do to you if he knew."


They came across a lift and Genos hit the down button. "You are also now a prize worth having." Genos smiled at how that came out. "I mean, the nanites in your brain? I have never heard of anything capable of what they have done for you. It is another technology that many would desire greatly. We will have to tread carefully to ensure no one ever suspects that you are now the holder of such technology and knowledge."

The doors swished open and they both stepped in. "You mean, I'm going to have to play dumb?" Saitama smiled as he leaned towards Genos, a smile on his face. "Not a problem." The doors closed as they kissed.

The next morning, roughly 24 hours after the breakout from the Hero Association, Detective Haro was driving up to the gates of the Mazatec company. To the untrained eye the rather large building didn't look as if it had that much security around it, but Haro had noticed the cameras watching the road from at least a couple of miles back.

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