Chapter Three

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After that, they had cooked a simple meal and pulled the futons together in front of the television.  It would have been a perfect end to the day for Saitama.  But of course, how do you end a day that began with murder?

They had simply held hands and talked.  The television had been turned off when it became obvious neither of them was watching it.  Saitama had held Genos until he had fallen asleep. 

Saitama had woken first.  Deciding he would put it to good use, he decided to get up and make a start of breakfast.  It was while he was in the kitchen that he heard the tv go on.  At first, he was busy getting breakfast sorted, so he wasn’t really paying attention.

“-has been arrested and released pending charges for the murder of one Doctor Jun Kuseno, a retired, reclusive scientist last seen 12 years ago, when he quit the Mazatec company, promptly disappearing.  Our sources can confirm that he is the creator of the Class S hero, Demon Cyborg.  Reports suggest that Kuseno sustained multiple serious injuries before his body was dumped in Komorebi Forest.  We will bring you more as this story unfolds.”

Saitama sighed and brought over the cups with the tea in them.  “Switch it off, Genos.  No good can come from of it.”

Genos turned to Saitama, who saw the wet look in his eyes.  “I had forgotten.  Almost like a bad dream you awake from then can’t remember.”

“Damn,” Saitama said quietly.  “Here, drink some of this.”  He passed him his tea as he sat down beside him.  “It’s probably going to get worse before it gets better.”

Genos simply nodded.  “I know.  I wish it wasn’t.  I wish we could just spend some time toget-”

It was in that moment that Genos’s phone rang.  Saitama reached it before he could and answered it for him.

“No.  This is Saitama.  Yes.  Well, no.  He can’t come to the phone.”  Saitama glanced over at Genos and rolled his eyes.  “Yes.  No.  Yes.  I’ll let him know.”  He hung up and tossed the phone back to Genos.  “They want a meeting with you, but said you need to be careful as the press are swarming their front door.  Apparently, a few calls have been asking for your address.  Bloody vultures.”

“I’m guessing you’re talking about the Hero Association?”

“Yeah.  Bunch of pricks.”

Genos tried to hold back the smirk at that but found he couldn’t.  Saitama found himself smiling along with him.  “They wanted to see you alone, but I told them no way.”  He shook his head in disgust.  “What is it with them anyway?  It’s like you join and suddenly they own your soul or something?”

“They are just following guidelines.  I am only allowed a Union representative or my partner or next of kin.”

“Well, I’m your partner, right?”

Genos couldn’t help the smile that crossed his face at that.  “Partner.”  He sighed.  “Saitama.  I adore you, but it is hardly fair to throw you to the wolves over our relationship when it has barely had the chance to get off the ground.”

“I think I’ve been in love with you for a while, so you know, fuck them?”

Still smiling, Genos reached over and took his hand.  “I will never cease to be surprised by you.  I hope you know that?”

The Son of Doctor KusenoWhere stories live. Discover now