Where is she?

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Tony P/O/V:

"We have just passed through their scanning range. Still in the dark. Com's check." everyone checks in and Steve squeezes my shoulder gently pressing a kiss to my temple "We're going to get her back, no matter what." I nod slightly giving him a small smile "I love you." he grins "Love you too." we dip down below the clouds and land the jet all standing. "Ready?" everyone nods and I grip Steve hand "Lets go." the jet opens and we all run out weapons raised scanning the area "Looks deserted, come on." 

We continue on breaking down the main door to find an empty corridor a thin layer of dust on the floor. Moving on we scan all the rooms but can't find anything. I scowl and lean against the wall somehow ending up flat on my back. Steve chuckles helping me to my feet "Careful." I roll my eyes turning to look at the new corridor, it is clean and looks worn.

"Looks like we found where they've all been hiding." I sigh shooting a glare over my shoulder "Keep your eyes open." An alarm starts blaring somewhere with red lights flashing and everyone tenses up raising their weapons. My suit slips into place and I scan all the walls "About ten guards approaching. Lets keep going." we continue moving through the base managing to knock out or kill any guards that attack. We reach a large open area with what looks like sleeping quarters all around the edge and computers mounted on the ceiling.

"She was here." I turn towards Wanda following her gaze to one of the screens where sure enough there is a picture of Y/N wearing what looks like a version of Bucky's old suit. Steve gasps "There turning her into the winter soldier." Bucky shakes his head slightly looking close to tears "They can't do that to her." I walk over to the screen "F.R.I.D.A.Y down load everything on Y/N you can find." Of course sir. She has been going through an intense training program and has been sent to Germany on some sort of assassination mission. No more information is available.

I turn to Steve "So she's gone?" I nod and Natasha crosses her arms "Looks like we're going to Germany." I nod "Guys we've got company." I turn to Clint watching as guards stream into the room surrounding us. Steve grabs my hand squeezing it gently "We're going to get her back and we'll make them pay for taking her." I smile cracking my neck "Absolutely."  

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