Training with Nat

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After dinner, I wash everything up and wipe down the table putting everything away. I put the second batch of brownies in a tin and put them on the side. Loki and Thor walk into the room and drop their bags onto the table "Remind me why I agreed to go with you?" Thor grins "Because you are my brother and you promised." I smile "Hi dad, uncle Thor." they both smile and Thor hugs me tightly "Hello little niece." "Thor can't breath." he lets me go and grins Loki hugs me gently and kisses my forehead "How are you?" I shrug "I'm good, where have you been?" 

Loki scowls "Thor dragged me along to a science conference that Jane was speaking at." I nod "Fun." Thor smiles "Well we have something to ask you." Loki nods "We are going to Asgard in a few days and were wondering if you wanted to come?" I grin "Really, I'd love to." Loki smiles "That's great, Frigga really wants to meet you." I smile "Cool, what should I pack." Loki shrugs "Whatever you want, we'll be staying for a few days." I nod and kiss his cheek "See you tomorrow." I walk back to my room and lay back on the bed opening my book and reading for a few hours. I change into sweats a loose shirt before falling asleep with Winter by my side.

The next morning I change into shorts, a sports bra and a vest top. I grab my phone and headphones before walking out of the room and outside. I plug my headphones in and start running around the compound watching the sun slowly rise over the surrounding trees. After two hours I head back inside and check my phone seeing how far I've run. I put my phone in my pocket and open the fridge taking out the milk. Placing it on the side I grab a bowl and place it next to the milk before turning and rummaging through the cereal cupboard. "Good morning." I turn holding a box of cheerios. "Good morning."

Pietro sits at the counter and grabs the tin with brownies in "You're having brownies for breakfast?" he nods "Want one?" I shrug "Why not." I take one and put next to my bowl pouring cereal into it. I eat some and Pietro makes a face "Cereal without milk?" I shrug "So." he smiles and takes another brownie before putting the tin away I pour milk into my bowl and eat my brownie while I put the milk back in the fridge. I stand at the counter leaning on it while I eat my cereal. "What do you plan on doing today?" I shrug "I was going to train." he nods "Are you doing anything tomorrow?" I smile "Yea sorry, I'm going to Asgard with Thor and my dad." he nods "I'm guessing you mean Loki?" I nod "Right, I forgot I have three dads." 

He smiles and I put my empty bowl and spoon into the dishwasher. I kiss Pietro on the cheek then run to my room changing into some leggings and a clean vest top. I throw the clothes I was wearing into my washing basket and look into it, I need to do some laundry before tomorrow. I pick it up and walk to the lift and down to the laundry room. Separating colours and whites I shove everything into two machines and turn them on before walking to the training room. I find Nat punching a bag and smile "Hey." she grins "Hey." I walk over to another punching bag and wrap my hands. I start punching and Nat walks over touching my shoulder "You might want to not use your full strength. The bag will break." I smile and relax slightly "Sorry, I forget sometimes." she nods "Do you want to spar?" I shrug "Sure." 

We walk into the middle of the room and Nat grins "Ready?" I nod and throw the first punch she catches it and twists my arm I twirl and use the momentum to throw a punch at her head. she ducks and lets go of my arm in the process. We continue throwing kicks and punches until I use my magic and knock her onto her back. She grins and I offer her my hand helping her up "Do you mind if I practice archery for a while?" she shakes her head and smiles "That's fine." I run to my room and grab my bow and quiver before running back. Nat looks confused "You literally looked like a blur then had that in your hand." 

I smile and turn to the targets "Magic." she laughs and grabs a gun standing next to me on the firing line. I notch an arrow and start shooting making a circle of arrows around the centre. Nat does the same with bullets and Tony walks in after half an hour of shooting. "Y/N your dad wants to speak to you." I smile turning around "Which one." he grins "Loki." I nod and kiss his cheek as I walk past "Thank you." he nods "Your welcome." I quickly run to my room and put my bow and quiver away "F.R.I.D.A.Y can you tell me where Loki is please." Of course, he's in the library "Thank you." I run to the library almost running into Loki. "Hi." he smiles "Y/N, we're leaving at five in the morning." I nod "Thats fine."

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