Gift and questions

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Loki smiles "I have something to give to you." I smile "What?" he starts walking "Come on." I follow him to his room and sit on the edge of the bed while he rummages around in a cupboard before handing me a large flat box "Here." I smile "What is it?" "Just open it." I take the lid off and inside wrapped in tissue paper is a beautiful green dress (Above picture). I take it out and hold it up "Dad it's beautiful." he grins "I only just remembered I had it. Its tradition for an Asgardian princess to have a dress given to them when they reach a certain age. Your mother and I picked it out when we found out she was pregnant."

I smile "It's lovely, thank you." he nods "Your welcome, I thought you could wear it to meet Frigga and Odin." I nod "Okay." he smiles "There is a necklace that goes with it but it's in Asgard." I smile "I'm really looking forward to tomorrow." he nods "Meet us out the front." I nod and stand.

 "What's between you and Pietro?" I sit down again and I blush slightly "What do you mean?" he smiles "I have seen the way you to look at each other, you like him?" I nod "Yea." he smiles "As long as your happy and he doesn't hurt you." I smile "Please don't kill him." he shrugs "No promises." I glare at him and he smiles "Okay, I promise I won't kill him." I smile and kiss his cheek "Thank you, I love the dress. See you later." he nods and I walk out the room holding the box carefully. Back in my room, I place the dress on my bed and grab my rucksack from the bottom of my wardrobe. 

I pack two dresses from my mum and the one from Loki and then find my phone dialling Nats number:                                                                                                                                                                                  Y-Hi I need help                                                                                                                                                                     N-What with?                                                                                                                                                                            Y-Shoes and what to wear to meet my grandparents.                                                                                           N-I'll be right there                                                                                                                                                                 Y-And bring Wanda                                                                                                                                                                N-See you in a minute                                                                                                                                                          Y-bye

I hang up the phone and throw it on the bed rummaging through my wardrobe. I pack my suit and some weapons as well as some casual clothes and a top and shorts to sleep in. The door bangs open and Nat and Wanda walk in holding a variety of dresses, shoes and makeup "We are here to help and to tutor you on what to wear and how to do makeup." I smile "Thank you." they both nod and Wanda walks over to my bag looking at the dresses "Wow these are beautiful. All you need now is some green heels, red heels and blue heels." I nod and Nat removes some from her bag and places them in my bag. "Makeup and hair. You should leave your hair down but use a clip to keep a little up." I nod and she hands me three palets "One for each dress just a light layer on your eyes. And a light red on your lips." I nod and they pack the makeup.

"Thank you." they nod "You have to tell us all about it." I nod and grab my camera and a bunch of film "I hope my camera still works." they both nod and we sit on the end of the bed "Do you want to watch a film?" they nod and I find my laptop putting it on the end of the bed we sit on the pillows and I open my computer "What do you want to watch?" Nat and Wanda look at each other "Lion King." I nod and find it pressing play. We sit back and I teleport to the kitchen grabbing a bag of popcorn then teleporting back. I open it and offer it to the other two before eating some myself. 

When the film ends there is a knock on the door and Pietro walks in "Dinners ready." we all nod and Nat and Wanda walk out the room. I close my laptop down and stand up stretching, I walk over to Pietro and kiss his cheek before closing my door and we walk towards the dining room. "I'm going to Asgard tomorrow." he nods "I overheard Tony and Steve talking about it." I nod "I'll miss you." he grins "Really." I  nod and he leans forward kissing my cheek "I'll miss you too." we round the corner and into the dining room sitting opposite each other at the table. Clint and Sam serve the food and I eat quickly before standing up "Thank you, I've just remembered that I have to look at something. See you later." 

I run to my room and grab the memory stick that Nat gave me and then run to the lab plugging it in. I re-open the file on the Winter Soldier and go further into it finding files on the man I once knew Bucky Barnes. I find several pictures of him with Steve and the commandoes and one with me in it. I smile and continue further into the file trying to find anything that could help find him. Not finding anything of use I close the file not remembering why I wanted to look at it in the first place. I un-plug the stick and walk back to my room making sure I've packed everything. I set an alarm and crawl under the covers falling asleep quickly.

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