Found her

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Tony P/O/V:

I yawn and sit up confused. I am still in bed next to Steve, I stretch and stand finding something clean to wear. I swing by the kitchen grabbing a cup of coffee and apple before walking into the labs. Bruce smiles "You luck much better." I smile slightly walking over to the computers "Anything new?" he shakes his head "Loki contacted us about an hour ago. He's hasn't found anything but he's coming back tomorrow."

I nod and lean against the desk drinking my coffee "At least we know she is somewhere in Russia." he nods slightly and something behind me bleeps. I turn and see a red dot blinking at me from in the Koryak mountain range. The highest peak where we believed the abandoned base was. "Bruce..." I click on the dot and the information for a Hydra agent comes up "Who puts trackers in agents?"

He walks over "It was S.H.I.E.L.D, they used to dart suspected agents." I grin "Well I think it just payed of, this proves they have people in the base." he nods "Which means that they probably have prisoners hidden there." I smile "We've found her." he nods squeezing my shoulder "I'll get the team together." he walks out the room and I copy all the information we have onto a portable disk before walking to the meeting room.

The others slowly walk in and I open the files so everyone can view them "As you all already know, we believed Y/N was in the Koryak mountains. S.H.I.E.L.D darted suspected Hydra agents a while back and it would seem they got at least one." I bring up the tracked agent on the screen "This proves there are agents in the base adding up with the explosions. Meaning they likely have prisoners there as well." Steve smiles taking my hand gently "We need to send scouts, find possible entrances. Before we can even think about infiltrating a base like that."

I nod slowly "Two weeks of planning then we bust in there and rescue our daughter." he smiles and the others all agree "Dismissed." everyone slowly leaves and I sigh continuing to stare at the small red light on the screen "I just hope shes there." Steve smiles and stands walking behind me and wrapping his arms around my shoulders "She's going to be there." I smile turning my head to look up at him "I love you." he smiles kissing he gently "I love you to."

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