Chapter 1 - Pandora

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Bold = Na'vi
Normal = English

Adda thought that in cryo-sleep you weren't supposed to dream. She thought that she would go under and wake up without having to go through that kind of thing. Turns out she was wrong. Once the shuttle taking them to Pandora went into the planets field of gravity, Adda felt an intrusion into her astral plane, the place where she had been trapped in her mind in a semi-conscious state for the last 5 and a half years or so.

The intrusion itself wasn't painful, only a little uncomfortable. Her magic was curious and prodded at the foreign entity gently. It grasped at her magic greedily and pulled her into a new astral plane. The plane was quite pretty, she had to admit. There was lush greenery everywhere, something she hadn't seen before as all the vegetation on earth had died out before she was born.

She sensed a powerful aura from behind her and turned around. What she saw surprised her. A gigantic Na'vi woman stood there in a billowing white dress. Her tail swishing behind her gracefully and hands clasped in front of her. The woman was more than three times her height.

"Why have you come here child?" The tall woman asked Adda in Na'vi.

Adda snapped herself out of her stupor and awnsered, "I come here to be free." The woman smiles and turns away, "Then you shall."

Adda wakes up with a jolt breathing heavily. Her heart thumping lile a rabbit in her chest. As she calms her breathing the pod she was in opens with a hiss, her body floating upwards because of the lack of gravity. The bright light stings her eyes and she closes them for a moment.

When she reopens her eyes she comes face to face with a man in scrubs smiling at her. "Are we there?" She rasps. "Yeah," he says amused, "we're there." He quicly unstraps her from the bed and goes to help another person all while shouting, "You have been in cryo-sleep for 5 years, 9 months and 22 days, you will be hungry, you will be weak, if nauseous please..." Becoming more faint as he geta farther away. Adda looks around for her locker and pushes herself towards it once she does.

Not long after Jake comes floating in right beside her. They exchange a smile but keep to themselves for the moment.

*Time skip*

The cousins were sitting beside eachother on the shuttle taking them to hell's gate. The man in charge was talking incessantly but Adda was distracted, her magic was acting weirdly the closer they got to the ground. Movement caused her to look up and see that everyone was putting their exo-masks on, Adda was quick to follow the lead.

Soon enough the hatch was opened and people were jogging out in neat lines. Adda decided to wait for her cousin so she stopped moving once she got to the opening, "C'mon special k I am not waiting for you." The man in charge of their group called to Jake. Adda looked at him crossly while Jake wheeled towards them and she followed him down into the base.

The moment her foot touched the ground she could feel everything, from the smallest blade of grass to the biggest tree, the surge of untapped magical energy made her giddy. Her magic immediatley calmed down in response. Earth's power is nothing compared to the one of Pandora.

On their walk to the base they were almost run over multiple times, though the thing that interested Adda the most were the arrows stuck on the tires of a bulldozer. They got to the door quickly and took off their masks once inside.

After a bit of roaming the halls they found the oriention and safety brief. They went in quietly as, who she learned was Colonel Quaritch was talking of the safety brief. Something about him didn't feel right to Adda but when she cast a look towards Jake to tell him, the admiration in his eyes stopped her from saying anything about it.

The Na'vi Witch (Tsu'tey x Reader/OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon