Chapter 2 part 2 - Blessing of Eywa

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Hello! It's me again. I am so sorry about not updating for the past few months. But don't worry! I'm back and better that ever! So enjoy! ( ' v ' ) /

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2793 words

Bold = Na'vi
Normal = English

Adda's hands and the mark on her forehead start to glow a pale green colour. Taking out the arrow with one sharp, but careful motion Adda hands it back to the woman. Looking back at the animal Adda turns her complete concentration onto her charge, slowly knitting muscle and flesh back together. She was so concentrated that she didn't notice the forest come to life around her, or Jake walking towards the two of them from behind and crouching near them spear still in hand.

The two spectators marveled at her. The Na'vi woman baffled that a Dreamwalker could be capable of something like this. The viperwolf slowly started to regain its strength, whining and shifting its legs back and forth uncomfortably. Adda's hands were trembling with the effort and once she deemed the animal sufficiently healed, she slowly started to bring back her magic, the glow of her hands no longer there. The viperwolf got up quickly and darted away once she stopped touching it, casting one last look towards it's savior before scurrying out of sight, presumably to find it's pack.

"Uh, I know you can't understand this, but," Adda turns to Jake surprised, dreading what he might say next, "thank you." Adda was right to dread.  "Adda, you can talk to her, right?" He gestures with his hand towards the native who still hasn't turned to look at him, "Tell her I said thank you."

Adda just looks at him like he is stupid and shakes her head while putting the machete she dropped back into her belt. The woman takes little to no interest in him and just looks at Adda in mild interest. And then, Jake decides to continue talking, taking her silence as confirmation or something. The idiot. "That was pretty impressive," he says chuckling a little bit and the Na'vi looks at him calmly, " we would've been screwed if you hadn't come along. It was..." Adda knew that look. The look he's given all the girls he's come to like at one point. This isn't going to end well, is it?

The woman stands gracefully and walks away deeper into the woods not paying him any more attention whatsoever. His smile drops from his face when he sees her walk away.

Standing up quickly he goes to follow her not even looking at Adda anymore, just solely focused on her. "Hey, wait. Wait a second," he follows her deeper into the foliage, "where are you going?" Adda quickly goes to follow the both of them aswell, disregarding the slight dizziness from standing up too fast, and chases after them. "Wait up." Jake gets hit in the face by a leaf. She looks at him exasperatedly and just knows she won't be able to convince Jake to go back. "Just... Hey, slow down." Let's see how this plays out, shall we?

Adda follows along quietly, unwilling to come between her cousin's newest crush and him and also wanting to see what happens.

Jake followed the woman at a fast pace, trying to make her slow down. "Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for killing to se things-!" As he reached out to grab her her arm she turns quickly and slaps him in the face with her bow. It was actually quite funny to watch. He falls on his ass from the impact, "Damn!" He reaches up to his face.

"Don't thank." The Na'vi says between her teeth in a thick accent, pointing her bow at Jake. "You don't thank for this. This is sad. Very sad only." Jake comes to the realisation that this was a bad idea very quickly after she said that. "Okay, okay I'm sorry." He says with a placating hand gesture. "Whatever I did, I'm sorry." 

Adda aproaches the two cautiously nd places her hand on Jake's shoulder, the Na'Vi woman shooting her a look before backing up a bit and taking a breath, looking back at her cousin in the meantime. "All this," she gestures, "is your fault. They did not need to die." Visibly restraining herself from attacking Jake. He seems confused by this, "Our fault? They attacked us. How are we the bad guy-"

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