Special #1 - My CLoTheS!!???

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Enjoy this little tidbit of what happened to Adda's clothes! Poor her.
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622 words

Bold = Na'vi
Normal = English

As they all watch the Tsahik dramatically sweep away, the two cousins are forcefully separated from eachother by prying hands, sounds of protest leaving their throats from the rough treatement. Looking up to see who grabbed her she immediatley stiffens. Tsu'tey peers down at her in distaste before passing her off tho someone else.

"Where are we going?" she asks no one in particular, still looking back at Jake as he too is dragged away by a few women. "To learn from us you must first dress like us." A girl, around her age tells her. Adda makes a woried sound in the back of her throat.

Adda swiftly loses sight of Jake and anyone familiar, her attention being drawn to the multiple women around her discussing what colours would look best on her and how to properly fix her hair. "Green would look best," the tallest one with impecably braided hair says, "it would match her eyes."

"Yes, you're right. " one of the other, more childlike girls says, dragging her by the arm towards many women sitting in a circle near one of the tree's roots. They were all weaving or sewing something together and children flocked to some of the seemingly older women. "Vit'na," the childlike one calls waving one of her hands excitedly, "we have brought you a new one!"

Everyone turns to them at the loud outburst, most of the women making faces when they notice Adda as she stands there, nervously fiddling her hands. The children upon catching sight of Adda hide behind their mothers but look on with curious expressions.

An older woman looks up at the sound of the girls voice from the middle of the group, slowly blinking her golden eyes. Once she noticed Adda her hands stilled over the pieces of vine she was twisting together. "Narti," she narrowed her eyes in suspicion, "what is this?" She motioned to Adda with a rude flick of her chin.

The one with nice hair that Adda knows is Narti spoke first. "She is Adda, the Tsahik has said to teach her our ways." Incredulous wispers broke out at this tidbit of information and Adda was just getting increasingly nervous around all these people.

Vit'na, or at least whom Adda assumes is Vit'na, squints a bit at Narti as if trying to find something that wasn't there. "Fine." She said with an air of finality, " you may choose from whatever is already finished." With a quick flick of her wrist towards a pile of clothing she simply goes back to work, most of the women following her lead and just ignoring the newcomers.

Narti grabs Adda by the arm and gently guides her towards the pile, the other one not far behind.

Time passed quickly after that. After having clothing pushed into her hands, she was shoved into an alcove of sorts so that she could change.

Putting on the clothes was a bit of a hassle but it worked out in the end and Adda came out dressed like a true Na'vi. Granted it was only a simple leather loincloth and a top made from the bark of a tree, but it was better than nothing. All she hopes is that it doesn't wedgie too badly. That and having to get used to the feeling of wearing what is technicaly a thong in front of a crowd of people.

Unfortunatley they threw her other clothing into one of the closest fire pits while laughing. Those devious girls. And she swore she heard Tsu'tey cackling evilly somewhere in the distance.

Damn him and his handsome face....wait what?

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