Let Me Be Your Hero

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Each foot step synchronizes with his loud heart beat throughout the hallway all the way to the rooftop. He slowly opened the door feeling the night breeze gush in causing a shiver to run through his body. He noticed a figure a few feet ahead of him sitting at the very edge of the building, too close to the edge for his liking. He gulped and walked towards the figure slowly, finding himself sitting next to it, a good amount of distance between them. He looked down noticing how high up it was. A drop from this height was sure to have you dead. But now was not the time to be distracted. 

He turned to the boy beside him, who was currently staring ahead with no emotion on his face. Bakugo opened his mouth to speak.

"I always admired you, you know..." Izuku had beat him to it though, still staring ahead not sparing a glance at Katsuki. Bakugo closed his mouth and let Deku speak. 

"I'm sure you knew that by the way I've always complimented you, but its true. You was always good at everything even when we was little. You was in your own league that I aspired to reach. The day the doctor told me I was quirkless my world was shattered, even my mom gave up hope. But that was okay because I  still wanted to find a way to be a hero with you like we planned  even if I did't have a quirk." 

A breeze brushed through his hair as he paused letting silence sit in for a little before talking again.

"If there was anybody who I thought was going to support me, it would be you because I thought you would understand since we both strive for the same goal.. but I guess I was wrong. You started with the name calling and giving me that nickname but I didn't really care at first because that was just you being you. But as soon as we got to middle school you was just a whole new person. You wouldn't talk to me or even look my way, the name calling got worse and other people started to join in on it too. I began to believe the words that came out of your mouth, how I was useless, pathetic and that I can never be a hero.  Then it got to the point where you and your friends started beating me up. It was hard to hide the cuts and bruises from my mom you know, but I still took everything you threw at me, even when you told me to kill myself.                                                                                                    I was going to do it that day though but I couldn't bring myself to do it because I told myself I couldn't let you down. That you did all of these things because you didn't see me as your equal. So I finally got a quirk and got into UA and started training my butt off to get your attention so show you that I can keep up with you.  I thought you would finally see my potential and all  my hard work so we could make amends and fulfill  our dream. But I began to realize you never cared and I've wasted so many years trying to catch your eyes. No matter what I did it wasn't enough for you.... Nothing was never enough for you." 

"NO no Deku I-" Katsuki stopped himself because he knew if he continued, everything that would have came out his mouth would have a been a jumbled mess. He swallowed down the lump that has been in his throat. Hearing Izuku's side of everything made him feel even shittier than he has ever felt before. He took a deep breath and turned to face Deku again.

" Izuku when we were little I considered you as my best friend. We had a lot of things in common but an important one being that we wanted to be pro hero's together. The day you told me you were quirkless, I was devestaed because how could  we become a hero duo if one of us didn't have a power. I vowed that  even if you couldn't be a hero , I would for the both of us." 

For the first time since the conversation started Izuku had looked at Katsuki. A shiver made its way up Bakugo's spine. 

" Even though you was quirkless you kept on a brave front saying you would still become a hero. And that worried me because you could be seriously injured or you could even die without a power to defend yourself. I started to degrade you, saying you couldn't cut it as a hero without a quirk  so you can give up your dream and more importantly be safe. But giving up is not in your nature and that angered me because you couldn't see I was trying to protect you. I ended up taking out my anger on you and result to worse measures as to hitting you to make you come to your senses. When you ran to save me from the sludge monster I couldn't help but feel mad at myself. If I couldn't save myself how can I save you? And here you come with no power still risking your life to help me. I felt like you was looking down on me ....like I wasn't good enough....like I wasn't strong enough. I ended up taking it out on you again." 

Maybe, "sorry" isn't enough..حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن