A Step Forward (redo)

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With one forceful push Bakugo sent Kirishima back with faltering steps away from him, separating the once attached lips. Katsuki was furious.

"WHAT THE HELL SHITTY HAIR!" Kirishima couldn't even get a second to get a grasp of the situation before his friend started yelling him for his actions.

" Don't just stand there acting like you didn't know what you did! You think you can just come up to me and do whatever you want with me?!"

Kirishima finally got himself "Bakugo-"

"No don't you even think about trying to calm me down I have a right to be angry! How could you?! That was my first and I was saving it for-"

"Midoriya, I know"

Katsuki eyes widened, he sucked in a sharp breath as his jaw dropped a little. He was going to say he was saving it for somebody special but the fact that somebody had figured out his crush when he thought he was being careful took him by surprise.

"What the fuck are you even talking about-"

"Theres no point in lying Bakugo, I see the way you look at him when you think nobody is watching you...like he's the most precious thing in the world." Kirishima sighed

Katsuki didn't think he was that obvious but that cat is out of the bag I guess.

"Ok fine but if you knew that then why would you kiss me?" Bakugo glared at redhead to let him know he was undoubtedly still angry. But he was also confused, I mean if you knew someone was into somebody else , why would you put yourself in that predicament?

Kirishima became tensed but he suppose he had to explain.

"I like you Katsuki. The first day of school I saw this hotheaded blonde. He had a bad temper but I knew I had to become his friend and I slowly did. I got to see you grow in so many ways but as you grew my feelings for you did also. It took me months to work up the courage to ask you out and when I was finally going to confess to you, you and Midoriya started hanging out more, which was fine. Until I started noticing the signs of you liking him. I was devastated at first but I realized that I can't stop you for having feelings for someone else I can only support you. Hopefully you and Midoriya will end up together or even if you don't... its stupid but I wanted to take something they can't have..which was your first kiss. It's like my way of saving goodbye. I know you don't feel the same way." A sad grin had took over Kirishima lips along with a half hearted shrug from his shoulders

All this time he couldn't see the feelings one close to him had because he was so focused on becoming the best hero and recently Deku.

"No, I don't feel the same way... I'm sorry." And he truly was but right now his feelings only belonged to one person.

"Though as it may be , iv'e really grown attached to you as a friend and I don't want to lose that. Also don't let this stop you from liking anyone else, there's someone better for you out there. If you don't want to be my friend anymore I understand."

"hehe of course I'm still your friend! It wouldn't be manly to just leave you, plus who else am I going to trust to dye my roots when Mina can't?" They both chuckled

"Yea whatever... thanks for understanding though I really appreciate it ...But if you ever try to pull off some shit like that again I'll kill you."

Bakugo glare didn't go unnoticed. Kirishima scratched his nape sheepishly "Hehe noted, I'm sorry"

"Also I'm totally not counting that as my first kiss so don't feel so full of yourself it was a shitty kiss anyway."

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