Chapter 1

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Annabelle's POV

It's been a year since we were last in Narnia, and I missed it everyday. It was hard becoming a 19 year old again. Times were hard with me, I haven't seen the Pevensies since that day and it was taking a toll on me. We all wrote to each other quite often but it was never the same as being with them. I missed them so much. I turned 20 a few weeks ago and it was a rather sad birthday, all I had were my grandparents since my mom was still in London. She took my Dad's death harder than I thought, apparently she locked herself up in the house to grieve, but I didn't blame her since I climbed up a tree and then almost died.

Both Peter and I missed our son, William. I had dreams of him growing up and celebrating his birthdays with Oreius, I'd like to think that their visions, gifts from Aslan, but I have no idea of how to be sure.

Everyone avoided bringing up the topic of our baby boy, it was too hard for Peter and I to handle. Both of us were upset that we were taken away from him... we would've never gone out that day if we knew that we were never going to come back.

Peter and I have written each other every week, making sure the other is doing alright, we both still have our binding marks and I still count him as my husband. I missed his embrace and I missed his voice, I hated not being with him.

I cry most nights, longing for Peter and the rest of my family and missing my baby. It was hard being here, not being able to feel the trees. Not to mention the war still going on, my dad gone, and my mom depressed. My grandparents told me that they would take me to see her soon but that was months and months ago...

The Pevensies were just about to start school back up and I was still stuck at my grandparents. They decided to homeschool me since they didn't want me to go back into the city.

I missed Peter. I missed my best friend, Susan. I missed Edmund. And I missed Lucy, her smile also helped me but she wasn't here. I missed the feelings of the trees and the feeling of my sword. I missed Oreius. I missed my William Charles...

It's been a year since I've seen my family and a year since Narnia.

How long does he expect us to wait?


Peter's POV

"Your welcome." Ed said to me.

"I had it sorted." I retort back at him.

"What was it this time?" Susan asked, not happy with my actions.

"He bumped me." I spat out, the feeling of anger coming back.

"So you hit him?" Lucy asked me, disappointed.

"No. After he bumped me, he tried to make me apologize. That's when I hit him." I tell her, my words sharp.

"Why can't you just walk away?" Susan asked me.

"I shouldn't have to! Don't you ever get tired of being treated like a kid?" I complain.

"Uh, we are kids." Ed replies. I glare at him.

"Well, I wasn't always... I just wish Annie was here... It has been a year. How long does he expect us to wait?" I ask and then crash back onto the bench.

"I think it's time to accept the fact that we live here. It's no use pretending any different." Susan said. I really wanted to scold her for thinking that but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

Susan looks back and then back to us.

"Oh no... Pretend you're talking to me." She pleads.

"We are talking to you." Ed replies. Susan gives him a glare.

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