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November 1st 2020:

Ealing TF Squad:


How's everyone's training going? 


Pretty decent, just hate the fact we only get four face-to face

sessions a week because of the season being delayed!


I know! I miss seeing you all everyday, I literally get a few hours with you!


Not even that with me! Miss you baby Jones, you're a class coach!

Ward (Boss Man):

Jones, I've just emailed you about a contract. You've been realised until 

the end of March! More details to follow but you can head home, 

good luck!


Grabbing my laptop, I loaded up my emails to find the one from Ben. It included very little information but informed me of the release period and that I would be required to travel for the job. He was letting me head home to see Alun for a week prior to  the start date so that  he knew what was going on. Ben was an amazing Director of the club, he really had turned it around and that was partly to do with the relationships he created between himself and everyone involved in the programme, he knew everyone so well that the level of trust was beyond anything I'd experienced before.

After checking my emails, I packed up a good amount of my belongings into a suitcase, my more important things going into my training backpack, before loading up my car, locking my apartment and beginning my three and a half hour journey back home to see my brother. I was hoping that by the time I arrived home, some of my questions about this new 'job' would be answered in the form of an email from whoever had hired me. 

Fortunately, it wasn't too late when I pulled up at Alun's house, pulling my suitcase up the drive behind me. He let me in and pulled me into a huge hug before guiding me to the living room so we could talk about why I'd turned up at his house unannounced. 

"You know I love you but why are you here?" Alun questioned as the two of us took a seat on the large sofa he had. 

"I've been released until the end of March, apparently I've been hired by a team until then but Ben hasn't let me know who yet!" Alun and I sat refreshing my emails whilst eating dinner, catching up on each others training since we'd last seen each other in August, training destroying all our plans between then and now. 

It'd been four hours since I'd arrived and the two of us were still waiting for more news on this 'contract' I'd be accepting. I was both nervous and excited to find out where this was gonna go. After working so hard to establish myself as a coach, I was happy to have received a job after just a month with Ealing.


The sound echoed around the room as both my brother and I fell silent.

From: Franco Smith (F.I.R Head Coach)

To: Isabella E Jones 

Subject: F.I.R Coaching Role

I couldn't even manage to read the contents of the email. Turning to Alun, I saw a huge smile plastered on his face before he launched at me, giving me a massive hug and telling me how proud of me he was. As he pulled away, he looked me dead in the eye, a competitive look plastered across his face,

"It's on now Bella!" 

I'd have to coach a team to compete against my brother...and honestly, I couldn't wait. This was my biggest challenge so far, taking the team that receive the 'wooden spoon' every year at the Six Nations and prepare them to compete against some of the best teams out there. Spending the rest of the evening with Alun, he helped me respond to Franco, accepting the offer and confirming any details that hadn't yet been organised. Our email chain ended with him forwarding me a plane ticket with the 6th November printed on it, only five days away!

"Well I'm heading to bed Efa, your room is how you left it and tomorrow you're training with me and the team so sleep well", Alun kissed me forehead before he made his way upstairs to his room, leaving me to process what had happened over the last 12 hours, it'd all gone so quickly, from being released by Ben to accepting the contract from Franco. I was officially part of the F.I.R coaching team and would be going to Italy for the first time in my life!

Even though I desperately wanted to stay awake for hours, learning some Italian, googling where I'd be staying and working, looking up the potential members of the squad, and a million other things I wanted to know, I knew that Alun would push me hard at training in the morning so made the decision to head to bed and leave the research for another time.

Sleep came fairly easily as I fell asleep thinking about what the next couple of months could be like, a whole new adventure that I'd be experiencing with a bunch of new people. Franco seemed lovely and I was so excited to be working with him, he reminded me of Ben, hardworking and committed to a goal, however, still gave the time to get to know everyone and support each individual.

Before I knew it, Alun was knocking on my door, offering me breakfast if I could be dressed and ready within ten minutes, an easy task for someone who'd worked mainly with guys over the past few years. "I'll be there in 5 Alun!" I called out to my brother, getting an 'okay' in response. I'd showered the night before and had put my hair into tight braids so all I needed to do was change, brush my teeth and wash my face before packing my bag. The process took just over the five minutes I'd predicted and I was soon sat at the dining table with Alun, Anwen (his wife)  and their two daughter, my nieces, Mali and Efa.

"Congratulations Aunty Bella" The two adorable girls attempted to tell me, the word being a little tricky for their minds to comprehend. Anwen, gave me a hug, telling me how proud she was of me. She was honestly like a sister and best friend all in one, Alun had made an amazing choice when he married her.

"I'm dragging her to training today, I'll take the girls so you can relax before work!" Alun told his gorgeous wife, before the two of us finished breakfast, tidied up and grabbed the girls, putting them in their car seats and heading to the Liberty for training.

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