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21st November 2020

Franco and I were awake much earlier this morning. It was exactly two weeks since the first day of camp, the day I'd told the coaches I had a plan, and today was the day it was happening. We were currently on our way to the airport to pick up the guests who'd flown in from London.

"I'm really hoping this will sort this lot out, give them the boost they need before our friendly games against Spain and Georgia!" Franco said as the coach entered the arrivals carpark and we waited outside the door with the storage hatches open, ready to be packed full of suitcases and training equipment. "I think it'll help both teams out, they've got to compete against Saracens this year for promotion, we've got to beat at least one team to prevent relegation, it could help everyone out." I responded, taking a seat on the bottom step and pulling out my phone, checking to see if I had any messages from the team.

"Isabella Efa Jones!!" Shouting was heard from the doors to the airport and out came the whole Ealing squad, led out by Ben himself. They jogged over to us and began loading up their belongings, pulling me into a hug before each of them entered the coach and took their seats, ready to head to the camp. "Thank you guys so much for coming out here!" I thanked them before taking my own seat and the conversations continued the whole way back. 

"It's seriously no problem Bells! These boys have missed you, when I spoke to them about the offer, they had no doubts about coming to train with you again." Ben told me from his seat just behind mine, I was honestly thrilled my they accepted my offer, I missed training with the team back in London, even though it'd only been three weeks since I'd last been over there.

When the driver announced that we were only half an hour away, I decided it was time for the plan, getting everyone's attention, Franco and I prepared to tell them what we needed them to do. "The team have gone on a trip into the local town so when we arrive, we'll start a training session. When they return, we need to show  them how a team performs together instead as individuals!" The Ealing boys nodded and a few cheered, ready to prove to the Italian team what they could do, they'd been overlooked for a long time in the Championship and this year could be their promotion year if they continued working the way they had been.

"Their attitude is also what's holding them back, they say they want to win games but they don't act like it! That's why you guys are here."  Franco told them as we pulled into the main carpark of camp. Everything was taken into the main building and the players were allocated their rooms, giving them space and time to change into training kit before they were pushed straight into a training session. Dean, Pat, James and  Alun were the first to return to the common area and we all waiting for the rest of the team before I showed them around the facilities and we ended up on the outdoor training pitch.

Ben handed the session over to me and stepped back to watch the session with Franco and his team. Rayn started the warmup as captain, the team following his every move, almost in perfect synchronisation, after their stretching and jogging they head over to grab a few balls and began working through passing drills with barely any instruction, they knew the session layout almost off by heart. Splitting off into forwards and backs, they started more specific skills, the forwards working with tackle pads and practising a few scrums, the backs focusing on kicking for goal and touch. Everyone knew their role in the squad and it made training work much more effectively. 

And that was when they returned. 

The Italian team were making their way across the grass to the pitch we were training on, eyes fixated on the Ealing boys who were running through game scenarios, nailing a team try from a lineout, box kicking for the wingers to run for a try, overall, the squad looked strong and would be amazing opposition for the Italian squad.

"What's this? An attempt to motivate us? It's not going to work, don't waste your time on us Jones!" Federico Mori muttered from somewhere in the group, proving to everyone that over the last couple of weeks, the teams' attitude towards the tournament hadn't improved. They had little, to no self belief and turning this around was going to take something huge. 

"He's right! We're not going to win. What's the point?" A few others spoke up, voicing their rather negative opinions in both English and Italian.

"So you'd be okay humiliating yourself in front of thousands? Losing every game for another year? You do realise that this isn't just about you guys anymore, it's about those kids sat at home, watching you guys on TV, hoping they get the chance to pull on the blue shirt, belt out the anthem and make their country proud!" I paused, allowing everyone to take that in before instructing them to get onto the pitch so we could sort out what areas we needed to start working on.

Franco and I had a group of players from both teams practicing lineouts, taking it in turns for their hooker to throw the ball towards the rest of his team. "Again Luca!" I called to the Italian captain (and first choice hooker), for what felt like the hundredth time that sessions. Franco reminded me that some of the players were tiring but I ignored him, Ealing had improved this way. If they are capable of nailing a skill when completely drained, muscle memory kicks and allows them to perform it even more successfully when they are at their peak fitness level.   

"Ten more times with no mistakes and you guys can go for dinner!" A few of them glared but everyone put in 100%, hitting every lineout perfectly, even stealing two from the Ealing boys. It was a basic skill, but it finally looked better and a lot more consistent. 

After the tenth one went up and came back down, they all automatically drifted towards the dinner hall. Stopping them all, I called them back and brought both sides into a huddle, congratulating them for an amazing session, praising them for looking like a proper team. "Thank you Jones!" Luca whispered in my ear as we walked side by side to dinner, leading a group of very tired (yet happy) rugby players inside for their meal. He pulled my into a hug before he took a seat with a few other forwards and I took mine next to Franco and Marius.

"Best session so far Efa...they really looked good today, thanks to you! We've got a long way to go, and a lot of attitude to eliminate but you made me proud!" Franco smiled at me whilst Ben gave me a nod from across the table, he knew what I was capable of and seemed happy that I'd shown my ability today in front of everyone.

I knew the boys could achieve more than they thought they could...

We just had very little time.

And a lot of challenges to face before we got there!

UnderdogTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon