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6th November 2020

Franco and I discussed the team for the remaining part of our drive, he sounded optimistic but there was definitely an element of concern hidden in his voice. Italy were not known to be an easy team to coach, the years of results, proving that they needed more time and more work to get them competing against the tier one teams in the six nations and World Cup.
"I just think they need us to challenge them more than they've ever been challenged before, they're gonna hate us for it but it's what they need!" Franco had the right attitude to work with a team like this, we just had to get all the players and coaches in the same mindset to create a successful training camp.

As we pulled through a set of large gates, both of us were Id'd before they let us head towards a large building which I guessed was the team hotel. "This is our home for the next couple of months", I followed the South African up a few sets of stairs, finally arriving in a large room full of sofas, games and a TV.
"Welcome to our common room, if you ever need to find one of the boys, they're gonna be around here." Nodding at him, we continued the small 'tour' of the teams facilities.

"And this here...is your room!" He told me, unlocked the door before handing me a key. Walking into the large room, I found a large double bed, a small balcony and en-suite. Placed on the desk with a large box, I must've looked confused because Franco urged me to open it and when I did, I discovered a mixture of things to decorate my room with as well as Italian snacks and drinks. "I wanted you to make yourself feel a little at home so you've got some lights, your brother sent photos of your friends to put up!" I did the only thing I could in that moment and gave him a huge hug, thanking him for making me feel so welcome.

"You're very welcome Isabelle, I think we're gonna get on just fine! Oh and before I forget, have a look in your wardrobe!" Stepping back, I opened up the doors to the wooden wardrobe finding all my Italian kit, from a suitcase to multiple backpacks, sweaters to shorts, even trainers and cleats for training. Franco left me alone to change, telling me he'd wait in the common area to allow me time to settle in, unpack and pick out my clothes to welcome the team to camp. Changing into a pair of black shorts with my initials (IEJ) on, a matching black sports bra, I threw a short sleeved team shirt over the top before changing my socks and shoes to my new ones. Grabbing a backpack, I filled it with a few essentials including a water bottle and my phone, before heading out to meet Franco.

"Looking like one of us now Bells!" Giggling, I followed Franco downstairs and out the main doors over to a gazebo that had been set up for the teams arrival. They would be ID'd, collect their kit and information packs before being sent to their room. Later on they'd be brought down for a big dinner and introduction to the new players and coaches.

Standing under the white material of the gazebo were Franco's selected coaches, we head over so everyone could introduce each other.

Marius Goosen was the first to step forward, him and I would be the two assistant coaches. He too was a South African, around the same age as Franco, as I approached him, he smiled at me and gave me a hug.

Giampiero De Carli, was next up, he was hired to coach the forwards. De Carli, was an ex Italian player, he was a prop and was proud to be back coaching his old team.

Alessandro Troncon, another Italian was here to coach the back, born in Treviso, Troncon had played Scrum half for the Italian National Team when he was younger. He was a super positive guy who I was excited to start working with.

Quintin Kruger and Giovanni Sanguin were the final two coaches, coordinating the  physical preparation of the squad in the build up to the six nations. Kruger, another South African, was a strength and conditioning coach from Cheetahs. Sanguin was an Italian who'd previously competed for his country in athletics.

"Guys I want you to meet the newest coach for the team! This is Isabella Jones!" They all looked excited to have someone new working with them and when Franco handed over to me, they were happy to listen as I introduced myself.

"You can call me Bella, Bells, Efa or Jones, I don't mind. I'm from Swansea in Wales, I've grown up playing and watching rugby, I currently am focusing on coaching and work at Ealing Trailfinders as their backs coach!" Franco and I had discussed the topic of my brother in the car, deciding that the coaches would know but it wouldn't be mentioned to the players unless the topic came up.

"We wanted to talk to you guys about her brother, it's something that's going to be kept amongst the coaches for now! Bella's older brother is Alun-Wyn Jones." A few of the guys let out a little gasp but no one was reacting in a negative way.

"That doesn't matter, she's one of us now!" Marius shouted and the other men cheered pulling me into a hug. Even though they were all over 40, they acted like excited children and in that moment, I knew I was going to love the next six months working with them all, it was going to be the most amazing experience.
Marius and I were sat down on two chairs behind a long table containing all of the lanyards for the playing squad, we'd been put in charge of the ID process but currently the two of us were just laughing and joking round, telling each other stories about our time coaching.

"Marius, Bella, you guys ready?" Franco called out to us, holding back his laughter as he witnessed the two of us in absolute hysterics, almost collapsing on the floor. We both shot up and took our positions, ready to see the players we'd be coaching this year.

The Benetton boys were the first to arrive, Tommaso Allen being the first one to reach our table and receive his lanyard, he gave us both a smile before heading over to collect his kit and room key. Following him were Callum Braley, Paolo Garbisi, Montanna (Monty) Ioane, Michele Lamaro, Niccolo Cannone and Marco Lazzaroni. All had made the five and a half hour drive, south from Treviso, in two cars. Garbisi told Marius that they'd met up at training and come straight from there with all of their things. Marius had learnt a little Italian so was able to translate almost all of what was said, whilst I managed to pick out a few words like 'formazione' meaning training.

Another large group of players arrived, I guessed they'd come from Zebre as a few had items of training kit on with the club logo. Mattia Bellini and Luca Bigi got out of the first car, followed by Carlo Canna, Danilo Fischetti, Marco Manfredi, Maxime Mbanda and Johan Meyer, in the next two cars. They let us know that the remaining members of the Zebre squad had left about half an hour after them due to having been kept back to fill out the required forms with their club and would be joining us as soon as they could.

Those who had come from much further afield arrived together, having been collected from the airport by one of Franco's extra coaches. Pietro Ceccarelli from Brive, Riccardo Favretto had got a train to the airport so he could be collected (he was the only player arriving from his club), Federico Mori and Jacopo Trulla from Kawasaki (Calvisano), Cristian Stoian from Fiamme Oro (Rome) and Stephen Varney from Gloucester.

I found myself being pulled aside by Franco and Marius, they wanted to discuss a few of the younger players in the squad. "We have a lot of younger guys in the squad, I want to give them some space as this is going to be overwhelming for them just like it's going to be for you Bella! I wanted to create daily sessions run by you, so they can talk about anything that's concerning them!" Reading through the ideas and listening to what the two older coaches had to say, I was super excited to be out in charge of something that could be so important to the younger players. Varney looked incredibly nervous when he'd arrived earlier, he seemed very shut off and quiet, he would benefit from time with people his own age.

"It sounds great Franco!" We continued talking as the rest of the squad arrived and when everyone had got their lanyards, kit and had taken their belongings to their room, we gathered everyone in the common area.

Franco welcomed everyone to the 2020 training camps, gaining a response of cheering and clapping from the squad, coaches and medical staff scattered around the room. He introduced everyone to his coaching staff, leaving me until last as I had never been mentioned to the team before.

"This is my assistant coach, Isabella, she'll be working with the backs but will also have a focus on the younger players in the squad!"

Not much was said after that.

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