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Saturday 30th January 2021

One week until Italy vs France...

The mood in camp had changed over the past month, players and staff realising that the time for improvement was running out and in a weeks' time the boys would be playing France in Rome. Some of the experienced players like Luca Bigi, were positive, this was the best position the team had been in leading up to a Six Nations tournament, however, for the coaching staff, it would be a tense few weeks as they discovered whether they'd prepared their team enough.

The team had just finished their last session at the camp, everyone showering and packing up their things ready to head to Rome for last minute preparations and the captains run on Friday. Franco and Bella gathered the notes together, assisting the other coaches in packing up any required equipment for the journey. The two had grown close since they'd met, trusting each other's opinions but challenging each other to create the best plan possible for the team, they craved success and wanted this team to show of what they were capable.

"We've given them the best possible training in the time we've had Eira, just got to mentally prepare them for what they're going into this weekend", the South African told the young Welsh coach, who was stood biting her nails whilst she analysed the training notes from the strength and conditioning coach. "They're a good team though...I just want the boys to have a good start at home so we can get them believing in themselves" she responded to the older man.

The two lead the coaching staff into the conference room where all the equipment being transported was required. Players were drifting in and out, dropping off their own luggage that would be loaded onto the coach for them, all in matching bags, just with initials printed onto each one just below the team badge. Things were becoming more real for the newest coach of the team, taking herself away from the rest of the squad, she heads to her own room to pack up her belongings, taking the time to make sure everything was there, including the picture of her with her brother at his first game for Wales. It was an important thing back home, making the team and pulling on the red shirt every time. Bella had been so close to reaching that point before her first injury hit, the one that pushed her into her coaching career at only 19 years old.

The photo of the siblings was carefully slid into the front pouch of her backpack as she realised that the next time, she'd see her big brother would be in the game against Wales in a couple of weeks. But before then, she had work to do and she was 100% committed to her job, nothing would stop her from helping this team get the best results possible.

Everyone boarded the bus that would take them into the city. Players positioned themselves depending on what they wanted to do during the journey: those at the back prepared to chat and joke around with their friends, whilst the rest sat closer to the front, wanting to listen to music and relax before they arrived in Rome. Eiri sat with Stephen, the two sat with one air pod in each. "Have we persuaded you to start playing again yet? You could do it you know?" Shrugging, the Welsh coach leant against the window and took a deep breath. She'd considered it, going through the positives and negatives of the idea for the past month but kept it quiet, she didn't need the whole team on her back pressuring her to make the choice.

"Just think about it yeh? Any club would be lucky to have you Eiri!" The girl just nodded, it was easier to say nothing and move the conversation along than to entertain it in any way, this was something she'd learnt to do when surrounded by her brother and his friends whose goal had become getting her back out on a rugby pitch doing what she used to, but this was no easy task.

Music played through the headphones throughout the whole journey allowing the two to sit in a comfortable silence as they watched the countryside passing by outside the window. Eira had well and truly fallen in love with Italy in the brief time she'd spent their so far, everything about it was perfect from the countryside to the food and the warm weather that they'd be blessed with over the past couple of weeks. The opportunity she'd been given was an incredible chance for her to see what was possible, so many people had believed in her over the years but for the first time in a long time Eira was able to see that she was becoming a successful young coach with an amazing future ahead of her whether that was playing the sport she loved or sticking with the coaching side of it all.

Pressure had always caused problems for the young Welsh rugby star, even though others didn't pile it up on her, she always found herself craving perfection in everything she did, creating unhealthy habits and relationships with things and people she previously adored. Stepping away from her the surroundings she'd become comfortable in and going someone away from the people who knew her too well had allowed the young Jones to rebuild her relationship with the sport and the people involved in it, putting only a small amount of pressure on herself, and giving herself time to grow into a more mature version of herself. Italy had saved her relationship with rugby, and she couldn't be more grateful for the chance she'd been presented with.

"You've drifted pretty deep into your thoughts there Bella!" Stephen shook her shoulder lightly breaking her from her thoughts. A sweet smile spread across her face as she came back to the present moment, leaning into the side of the Gloucester scrum half as he wrapped his arm around her. This was one of the healthy relationships she'd created. He'd taught her how much the sport could mean to someone not only for the competitive side of it but for the family and cultural aspects that came with it, Stephen Varney had become her best friend and she was grateful for the bond they'd created whilst at camp.

"Just thinking about how lucky I am. I've been presented with the most incredible opportunity to come out to Italy and have met the most beautiful people whilst out here, you've taught me how much rugby can mean and I think I'm slowly falling increasingly in love with the sport! Maybe I should try playing again...it's more than just a game." Bella expressed her true emotions about the past couple of months to Varney who listened intently to every word, he'd only ever watched the girl play in videos, but excitement ran through his veins at the thought of seeing Alun-Wyn's sister back on the green grass of a rugby pitch, where he, along with many others knew she belonged.

Their conversation was cut short by the coach pulling up to the hotel they'd be staying at during the build up to their first game against France, the players and staff including Bella, making their way straight inside and up to their rooms, paying little attention to the camera crews that swarmed around them.

It was overwhelming.

Friday 5th February 2021

1 day to Italy vs France

Captain's run

Luca Bigi confidently led his team out onto the green grass of the Stadio Olympico, it was an honour for every player in the team to step foot on the turf of their home nations stadium, whether it was their first, 100th or even final cap, it meant the world to every player and member of staff present.

Bigi had done this loads of times before, but something really felt different this time, everyone was becoming more of a unit, and he knew that the reason for this was a 5'6" Welsh star who'd joined the coaching team for the year. She'd brought with her a new perspective not only on how to get their skills perfect but more importantly on how to build a proper team, not just fifteen men who can run around a pitch in the same-coloured kit. For the first time ever, Luca felt like he was leading a unit into battle instead of trying to control a million different personalities who all refused to adapt a playing style. He hoped that this attitude could go beyond just the national team, if they could take what they'd learnt back to their home clubs, Italian rugby could create a better name for itself instead of being the laughing stock of the European cups, the Pro 14 and the Six Nations.

For now he needed to take this all one step at a time, starting with the captains run.

The atmosphere was perfect, and the team ran in silence having learnt the way one another moved, just like their warmups every day, their running had become almost synchronised, and the team looked professional as they made their way around the pitch.

Bella watched from her space next to the other coaches, they looked on impressed as they finalized the starting line-up for the following day.

"That's it! Decision made!" Franco informed the others that all debating was over, and the squad was going to stay that way unless any injuries became known in the next twenty or so hours.

"I'm more than happy with that, it was a lot harder to select that squad than I thought it would be when I first met them. Everyone here has impressed, and I want them all getting a chance over the next five games, but I think that's the perfect squad to face the French!" Bella responded to the older South African who pulled her into a hug.

"Then this is it...the time has come!"

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