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I got into Stiles' jeep (Roscoe) as did Scott, Stiles, Kira, and Issac. Scott was in the front but me Kira and Issac were squished in the back.

"Does anyone else have a car?" I asked sarcastically.

"What are you not enjoying it back here cause I am for once." Issac said referring to the fact that I was sitting on his lap.

"We just met really?" I asked rhetorically. I rolled my eyes at him but laid bad as Stiles hit a bump that made my head spin a little.

Stiles remembered where I lived and he dropped me off first. I only lived about 10 minutes away from the school but I still ended up falling asleep on the way there. I was laying on Issacs shoulder as it was the comfiest place I could put my head.

The car came to a stop and Issac pocked me awake. "Hey wake up we're at your house."

I opened my eyes and Stiles got out to open the trunk of his Jeep so I could get out.

I walked out and waved bye to everyone.

All but Stiles waved back because he was driving away. Before I walked in I watched Stiles drive away.

I walked in the door to be met by silence, I wasn't used to that. I took my shoes off and headed upstairs.

It was only 5pm but I wanted to sleep because my head was still killing me.


Ring ring ring ring

I woke up and growled at my blaring alarm. I shut it off and got up to get ready.

I showered then blow dried my hair and let it fall beside my shoulders because I didn't want to put it up. I walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around me.

I went over to my drawers and took out a long sleeve grey shirt and a baby pink overall dress. I put it on then slipped on my socks.

(the picture above is what you wore)

I put on mascara, clear lipgloss, nude eyeshadow, and winged eyeliner.

My phone started to ring so I looked over to see who it was 'Stiles🚙🥍' was on the screen so I picked it up.

"Hey what's up Stiles?"

"I was wondering if you wanted me to pick you up. I usually pick everyone up and figured one more wouldn't hurt."

"Ya sure when will you pick me up?"

"Well I'm kinda already here"



"Ugh tell everyone to come in I'm not done getting ready."


I hung up the phone and went downstairs to open the door. Stiles, Scott, Kira, Liam, and Issac all walked in.

"You can sit there on the couch I need to get ready." I motioned to the large couch in my living room.

They all sat down and went on their phones. I was about to walk back down the stairs when I heard Scott start to talk.

"I wonder were her parents are. They weren't here when we dropped her off and they're not here now either." I herd him and waited for someone else to talk.

"Well maybe they're just at work" Liam said.

"They work from home." Stiles said.

"New job?" Issac suggested.

I couldn't listen to it anymore so I walked downstairs. "They're dead." I said abruptly making them jump in shock.

"Wait what?" Stiles said. "You herd me they're dead. They died about 7 months after we left."

"I'm so sorry Abbey." Scott said going over to give me a hug. The tears collecting in my eyes but I refused to let them fall.

"Come on I'm ready can we just go." I started to put on my light brown boots and walk towards the door.

Everyone was still silent and in shock. Until Stiles walked over to me and wrapped me in a giant bear hug. With that I hugged him back and shoved my face into his chest and started sobbing. At this he squeezed me tighter.

I gently let go after a while. "I'm glad I put on waterproof makeup." I said trying to lighten the mood. Stiles just gave me a small smile. He picked up my bag and we all walked to his car.


After my second class the bell rang. That meant it was lunch time.

Stiles ran over to me with a smile on his face as usual. "Hey are you sitting with us?" He asked.

"No I actually think I was to sit by myself to clear my head." I said still a little down from talking about my parents earlier.

"Oh ok well bye." He said a little disappointed as he hugged me then walked away.

His sent lingered and I couldn't help but inhale it a little. I've always had a crush on Stiles kinda like he has a crush on Lydia. Mine wasn't as intense though.

I got my lunch and walked outside. I saw a tree next to some woods and a clearing so I went and sat down eating my lunch and reading a book.

All of a sudden I heard rustling coming from the woods. I looked up and saw nothing so I figured it was an animal. I went back to ready my book and eating my lunch.

I heard something from the woods again. I was annoyed so I looked back up and staring back at me was Stiles. I yelled and jumped. "STILES I told you I wanted to be alone and don't sneak up on me like that."

Then I realized the bags under his eyes were darker, his skin paler, his eyes darker, and he had different clothes on. I was confused but kinda brushed it off.

"Nope wrong answer not Stiles. But you're... oh I know you're Abbey Parker. Right?" He said in a deep voice.

"What do you mean you're not Stiles and how do you know my name if you're not Stiles?"

"I'm glad you asked. I'm void. And no I'm not his twin more like a fox spirit that possessed his body then they tried to kill me. I didn't appreciate that." He said with an evil smirk the whole time slowly getting closer and closer to me.

I was frozen in fear 'what is he talking about they have to be pranking me. Right?'

"W-what are you talking about?" I said my voice shaking my heart racing and my breath staggering.

He rolled his eyes like it was the dumbest question in the world. "I'm not repeating myself go ask your friends."

He disappeared into the air and I stayed there for a second I couldn't move. I was frozen a million thoughts running through my head. Finally I stood up my whole body shaking and I ran back to go find everyone in the cafeteria.


Hey everyone this is my first story I hope you like it.

I am going to take some ideas from shows or other wattpad stories.

I'm trying to update as fast as I can tho.

There will be some spoilers from TeenWolf so please finish season 3b before reading.

tainted love//void stiles Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora