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"What are you talking about what's you're fault? What karma?" Void questioned.

"Theo what he did to me it was my karma I finally got what I deserved." I said through tears.

Void sat up and I sat up next to him. He wrapped his arms around me tightly. I just sat there sobbing in his arms until he spoke.

"You did not deserve that. I don't care what happened but there is no way you deserved that." Void whispered as he kissed the top of my head.

"It's my fault they're dead and I know why now." I said to him.

I calmed down and wasn't crying anymore I was too tired. And honestly I didn't think I had any tears left.

"How is it ur fault love?" Void asked.

"Because I found out I had powers and if I had just known that I could've saved them. But I didn't find it out fast enough." I whispered.

I snuggled into Voids chest clinging onto him. He made me feel safe I don't feel how I did before.

"No one could've known you had powers and if they did and didn't tell you then it's their fault. That was not you're fault and you didn't deserve what happened to you."

"Wait do you know what happened?" I asked confused on how he knew it wasn't my fault.

"I was sitting in the back of the restaurant no one could've predicted that." He explained.

"I didn't know you were there." I said as I yawned half asleep already.

"I'm always here." Void whispered and I don't think I was supposed to hear it.


I woke up and Void was gone. I was having a bad day so I started to cry again. All I wanted was to be with him I don't know why but I do.

Am I really falling for him?

I shook my thoughts away and wiped my tears away. I walked over to the bathroom and turned on the bath. I figured it would be calming to be in a bath right now.

I took my clothes off and got in then started scrolling through my phone. I went on social media until I got bored and just put my phone down and sat with my thoughts.

Was it my fault my parents died? Am I falling for Void? Is living worth it? Would everything get better if I was out of the way?

⚠️Suicide warning!⚠️

I slowly started to sink into the water feeling it rush into my ears. I kept my eyes open until I felt the water hit them. The sound of nothing just the underneath of the water.

I let darkness consume me one last time letting go of everything. Maybe I'll actually succeed now that Void isn't here.

Void's POV

After I got back I didn't see Abbey on the bed. My heart started racing until I saw the bathroom light on.

"I'm home Abbey." I called to her.

.....No reply

"You in there?"

......No reply

"I'm coming in if you don't answer me."

......No reply

I tried to open the door but it was locked just my luck. I kicked the door open to see her feet sticking out of the side of the bath tub.

"Damn it Abbey you could've answered me." I said and turned to walk out. "Abbey?"

I walked back over to the tub and pulled the curtain back a little. I saw her head fully submerged in the water with her eyes shut.

My heart started racing and I didn't now what to do. I picked her up and wrapped a towel around her before teleporting her to the E.R.

I ran through the E.R. doors and grabbed Melissa.

"Help she tried to commit suicide again and I think she might have got what she was hoping for thins time." I realized how panicked my voice sounded.

"Hey we have a suicide victim over here we need help stat!" Melissa yelled.

Someone took her out of my hands and put her on a bed then they rolled her into a room. I followed not far behind them making sure to never lose sight of her face.

"You have to wait outside." One of the doctors told me.

"Like hell I am." I glared at him as I pushed past him .

Abbey's POV

I woke up. Wait what. I woke up. No no no no no.

I looked around me I was in a hospital of course I was. I looked over to my side to see Void sleeping peacefully.

"What the hell again!" I yelled at Void waking him up.

"Abbey I told you I wasn't going to let u die." He said groggily.

"You weren't even there and I was in the bathtub how the hell did you know?" I asked annoyed.

"I got home called for you and you didn't answer so I went into the bathroom and there you were. Then I took you here were Melissa was able to help you."

"Ok but that's just the thing Void she didn't help me. She helped you I want to die so her saving me isn't helping me at all." I glared at him.

"Come on you've failed to kill yourself about 3 times now. You and I both know I'm not gonna let you die."

I just rolled my eyes and got up to go to the bathroom. Void started to follow me and after what I just did I can't say I blame him.

"Void let me go to the bathroom alone I'm not stupid enough to try with you in the other room while in a hospital." I looked over my shoulder to Void who was still following me.

"I'm still not letting you out of my sight until you feel better." He walked into the bathroom and sat on the sink.

"Void please get out I have to pee."


I have up and just went to the bathroom I knew he wasn't going to leave me alone. I finished washed my hands then went back to lay down.


Yay I'm back to updating regularly haha

thank you so much for so many reads much love to you all

I hope you're enjoying the story so far <3

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