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After we showered I got dressed and went downstairs to see what Leroy was doing because I wanted to take him and Marinette out to the dog park. I still didn't know if Leroy was a werewolf or not so I decided that I would ask him when Void wasn't around just in case.

I walked down to see that Leo and Marinette were sitting on the couch together and they were snuggled up watching Hunterxhunter. I walked over and sat on the couch with them.

"Hey do you want to go to the dog park with me and Marinette?" I asked Leo.

"Sure why not." He responded with a smile then turned to Marinette. "Do you wanna go to the dog park?" He asked even though she couldn't answer.

Marinette got up and started jumping around I think she knew what the word park meant.

Me and Leo giggled a bit before we got ready and got in the car.


We got to the dog park and I opened the backseat door when Marinette immediately got out and started running around with other dogs.

Me and Leo both decided to just walk around the park.

"Hey Leo I have a question." I turned to Leo.

"Ya what's up?"

"Do you believe in the supernatural?" I asked.

Leroy visibly tensed up and his eyes widened in fear. He looked down at the ground not making eye contact.

"I mean ya I guess so." He mumbled almost not hearable.

"Ok I'm just going to ask. Are you a werewolf Leo?" I said bluntly.

"I- w-what?" His eyes widened again. His head shot up looking me in the eyes.

"Well are you?" I asked again.

"Um ya." He relaxed a little and looked at the ground.

"Wow how cool." I looked at him genuinely fascinated that I didn't notice at first. "I'm kinda surprised I didn't know I'm usually really good at being able to tell what people are." I sighed.

"What do you mean?" Leo asked confused.

"Oh right you don't know haha. I'm a witch." I smiled at him.

"Wow really I didn't know there were Witches." Leo started to study my features like I was a painting or something.

I just smiled at him and we continued walked as he looked lost in thought.

"Prove it." He suddenly looked at me with a daring smile.

"Fine then." I gave him the same daring smirk.

I started to look around to find something that would help me prove it. Then I saw a small camp fire that no one was really near.

I elbowed Leo lightly then nodded at the camp fire telling him to look at it.

"See that camp fire?" I asked.

"Obviously." He stated.

I pointed my finger up looking at the fire and the flames started going crazy as the fire grew bigger.

The flames caught the grass on fire and it started to spread.

"Shit didn't mean to go that far." I said putting out the fire by putting my finger down.

"Damn ok I believe you." Leo said.

I smirked and then started to walk over to Marinette who was running around.

"You ready to leave now?" I asked.

"Yup let's go."


Once we got home I called for Void expecting him to be awake by now.

I didn't get an answer so I went up to his room to look for him.

He was laying on the bed but he didn't look like he was asleep to be honest he looked dead.

I shook him trying to wake him up a little worried.

He sprang up and hugged me then tackled me onto the bed.

"Jesus Void you can't do that you scared to hell out of me." I said trying to steady my heartbeat.

"Oh come on I'm just having a bit of fun." He smirked.

"Oh hush." I rolled my eyes and got up off the bed.

I went to walked out the door but got stopped by Void grabbing my wrist.

"Hang on I need to ask you something." He said.

"Ok but make it quick I need to make food." I said sitting down on the bed next to Void.

"Ok well I've been wondering. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"Of course." I smiled at him and hugged him.

He hugged me then pulled away and cupped my cheek in his hand before sweetly kissing me. I kissed back and then he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance.

I parted my mouth slightly and he started exploring my mouth with his tongue. He started to lay me on the bed getting on top of me.

His hand slowly moved down and he started playing with the bottom hem of my shirt before putting his hand under my shirt. He slowly started moving his hand up my body.

Then there was a knock at the door.

"Hey Abbey I'm hungry are you going to make food?" Leo asked.

"Ya I'll be down in a sec." I replied.

I went to get up but Void wouldn't get off of me.

"Come on I need to make food." I told him.

"He can find something himself." Void said trying to kiss me again.

"Ya but it ruined the mood being cock blocked kinda sucks tho." I rolled my eyes pushing Void off me.

He groaned as I got off the bed and started to walk out the door.

"Oh quit being a big baby and come down to eat." I told him.

I walked down the stairs but when I got down there I saw that Leo was talking to someone at the door.

"Leo who's at the door?" I asked walking over to him.

"I don't know he said his name was Scott." He replied.

"Ugh how annoying." I said as I grabbed Leo's arm and pulled him away from the door before shutting it with magic.

"Abbey open the door we need to talk." Scott yelled from outside.

I rolled my eyes and walked back over to the door.


Ahhhhhh it's been so long since I've updated sorry haha

Soooo there's only going to be a couple more chapters until the story ends 😬

I just don't really think I want to write anymore so I'm ending the story a little soon

sorry but I hope you're enjoying the story so far <3

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