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Masky: TOBYYYY!!

Toby: don't talk to me unless you have double dongers

Masky: ??? what

Toby: .... what do you want

Masky: oh I wanted to ask you about Hoody

Toby: I'm listening

Masky: ok um-well he's been acting really shady lately

Toby: *sweats* isn't he always?

Masky: yeah, but more than usual. Do you know what's going on?

Toby: *sweat* n-n-n-n-n- *shoulder spasms out of control*

Masky: spill it.

Toby: *crosses arms awkwardly* s-spilled what? I didn't spill NOTHIN'

Masky: TELL ME

Toby: I C-CANT

Masky: *calls Hoody down the stairs*

Hoodie: Yo

Masky: Toby's lying about something that you're keeping a secret.

Hoodie: I don't have secrets uvu

Masky: lies.

Hoodie: whatever can I go now

Masky: You're having an affair with my cheesecake huh?

Hoody: what???

Toby: ppffFFFFT XD

Masky: T^T I thought you were my friend!

Hoody: Masky!


Hoody: *grabs Masky b4 he runs away* Masky.... I would never...

Masky: •u•

Hoody: *looks deep in his eyes* I would never do anything to hurt you...

Masky: *whimpers and tears up* I'm so sorry Hoodie....

Hoody: *starts to lean it* Masky.... I-I love-

Toby: okai that's ENOUGH... *sashays Masky away from Hoodie's grip* o_o

Masky: *sniffles* y-yeah I'm sorry hoods

Hoodie:'s fine ,-,


I honestly am spitting whatever feels right at the moment.

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