The Confession

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Guys I'm so embarrassed of this book >^<, I wrote it through my awkward 13 or 14 year old phase I don't even know I'll delete it someday but not now so yeah I'm so sorry.

Masky: hoodie

Hoodie: wut

Masky: ....

Hoodie: wat

Masky: ....

Hoodie: what

Masky: thak yhu, I shall tell cheese how i feel. *leaves*

Hoodie: ...

Masky: *sees cheesecake at the table* he-hey cheese

Cheesecake: .....

Masky: *walks closa* um no actually I wanted to talk...


Masky: *sweats like crasy* we should go outside...

-maskie picks plate up an go outside-

Cheesecake: ....

Masky: *sets it down at the step*

I - I I love you....


Masky: *puts head between his legs* dont be angrey!


Masky: *whimpers* I knew you would react this way!


Masky: WAAAAA*runs away crying*

Cheesecake: .... *on the porch*


Hoodie: wut wrong Masky?

Masky: cheesecake hates me *sobs into pillow*

Hoodie: .... *walk away*


Ben: huhuhu I got the drug

Jeff: I love you

Ben: hur?

Jeff: nothin'

Ben: *walks outside*

Jeff: *steps in something sticky* hm?

Ben: Oh...lookie cheesecake *point at shoe* uhuhuhuhu.

Jeff: uhuuhuhuhu *walks away*

-back with maskeh-

Masky: no one cares *sobs*

Hoodie: .... *watches TV*

Eyeless Jackie: *knocks on door*

Hoodie: hur? *answers it*

EJ: uhuhuhu *points at Masky*

Masky: *cry cry*

Hoodie: *shrug and close door* huhuhu.


Hoodie: I go on mission *wave wave*

Masky: *still crying*

Hoodie: .....*leaves*

-more later-

Masky: *paces around room*

Toby: *walk in* maskiiiii

Masky: hur?

Toby: *slap with waffle*

-12 hours lata-

Masky: i hate my life

*goes to sleep*

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