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Hey, everyone! No characters here yet. Just boring ol' Ze here. I'm just here to explain the ins and outs of how this is going to work to clear up any confusion you may have. Feel free to bring up any other concerns with me as well through DMs or in the comment section. 

Here, you can ask any Bob's Burgers character about absolutely anything you want! I don't have many rules for this. You are free to ask as many questions to as many characters as you'd like- I don't have a limit. However, I may not use your question if I deem it too inappropriate, offensive, or just plain rude. 

You can also leave comments or messages for characters. If you don't have questions for characters, you can compliment them or tell them anything you've always wanted to tell them (for example, you can send an appreciation message to Bob or even a reprimanding message to Louise). 

You are also 100% free to ask characters how they'd feel about being paired off with certain characters. But do know that since it's an exercise for me to learn about the characters and write them better, I won't answer with my own opinions about romantic pairings, but what I feel the characters would currently respond with in the canon timeline. 

Also, WARNING: this could definitely spoil any episodes you haven't seen yet since a lot of answers could rely on content from the show itself. 

Anyway... ask away! Let's get started. First section of the questions will be uploaded once they are enough to start off with. 

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