Answers to Questions Round 1!

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Lol, Idk if I was 100% great in capturing the spirit of the characters, but I tried my best. Oh, well. I guess it is technically just for practice. 

Asked By: trashyjewel

For: Zeke 

Question: Which sexuality are you? Or which one do you think you are? 

Zeke: Er... I dunno! I know for sure that I like boobies though, so women are definitely on the list. Aw, well. Guess I'll figure it later on. 

Asked By: sofialouised

For: Tina 

Question: You and Zeke... what's up with that? 

Tina: I'm not sure what you mean by that, but I guess I can tell you what my thoughts on Zeke are. Zeke is gross and immature- a bit too much for my tastes. He's always standing in the way of my budding romance with Jimmy Jr too, so that can definitely be a roadblock. But I think he's a good friend when it comes down to it and we have had some pretty good times together. Plus, I've kissed him twice and he's not a bad kisser at all. So, that's a win for sure. 

Asked By: sofialouised

For: Calvin and Felix Fischoeder 

Question: How are you so rich? 

Calvin: Ah, that's a good question, young lady. But not all details are exactly legal, so I might have to leave those out. Owning a lot of property and having a lot of tenants is a good start for sure, but it's not how I personally started out. I also own the Wharf and many businesses which is also good for my income. 

Felix: Inheritance money. I think I'd be richer if Calvin were nice enough to share his own income with me, but luckily, Mom has my back. 

Asked By: sofialouised

For: Mr Business 

Question: Do you hate Gayle? 

Mr Business: Meow. *licks paw aggressively*

Asked By: sofialouised

For: Bob

Question: How do you make paella? 

Bob: Paella's a good dish, but it's not exactly my favorite thing I know how to make. What I do know is that it tastes better when it's made from scratch. The boxed paella isn't that great. I learned my paella recipe from my Mom. I wish I could remember it off of the top of my head, but I always have to go back and find the notecard that she left me. 

My Mom personally always used a paella pan, but I don't have one of those, so a normal skillet works just fine. There's a lot of interesting ingredients in paella- some of the paella ingredients actually inspire some of my Burgers of the Day recipes. 

For produce, you will need onions, bell peppers, garlic, tomatoes, parsley, and peas. (I do wish I still had my garden. Paella would definitely taste better if I could grow some fresh produce)

For spices, you can use any of these: bay leaf, paprika, saffron, salt, and pepper. 

The most important ingredient, however, is saffron. So, it's important to buy that in high quality. If your grocery store doesn't carry it (Seymour's Bay grocers usually don't have good saffron in stock), you can substitute it for a teaspoon of saffron powder instead.

The rest of ingredients are chicken thighs (I prefer thighs to breasts in the recipe since they don't dry out as easily during longer cook times), olive oil, spanish rice, and chicken broth. If you're 21 or older, you can add white wine too. Linda likes it best when I make it that way, but I have to be extra careful that the kids don't get their hands on it. Especially Gene.

The first thing you do is add the olive oil to the skillet on medium heat. Add all of the produce ingredients to the skillet (except for the peas). Stir and cook for five minutes. Then, add the spices. 

If you're adding white wine, add that next. If you aren't, skip to the next step.

Add the chicken and rice. Cook for one minute. 

After that, add the broth. Pour the broth slowly around the pan and make sure to shake it a little to get the rice into an even layer. Bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce heat to a medium low. Give the pan a gentle shake back and forth once or twice during cooking. 

Cook the paella uncovered for fifteen to eighteen minutes. Afterward, sprinkle the peas on top and continue to cook (without stirring) for five more minutes. Watch for most of the liquid to be absorbed and for the rice at the top to be nearly cooked. 

After, cover it to let it cool. Remove the pan from the stove and cover it with a lid or tinfoil. Allow it to rest for ten to fifteen minutes. 

Then, you can serve it. I like to garnish it with fresh parsley and lemon slices since that's how my Mom always did it, but really, it's up to you. 

Asked By: sofialouised

For: Louise 

Question: On a scale from one to ten, how much do you totally not like Boo Boo? 

Louise: Psh, that stupid boy band? That I totally don't like? Whatsoever? The concerts that I were totally just going to for my sisters' sake? And not because I really like Boo Boo's handsome, disgusting face or anything? Psh, ten! I'm not hung up on him at all. I am totally over whatever that infection was. 

That's all of the questions that I currently have from y'all, so feel free to ask more! Hope you're having a goodnight and that the answers feel as if they're genuinely from the characters. Love, Ze 

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