Answers to Questions Round 4!

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(A/N: Hey, all. Ze here. Sorry it took me a huge writer's block and mental health crisis for me to get back to you on these questions. I also had to re-watch some episodes to be able to answer some of them lol. Go, me. As terrible and out-of-character as I bet these answers are, I still wanted to try and deliver since I can't deliver on any of my other promises right now. I know I'm letting you all down by returning to this rather than updating stories or responding to roleplays, but I'll try my best to get back to that ASAP. Thanks for supporting this little thingy of mine. I appreciate how patient and kind the people on this website are. <3)

Asked By: miathefrogspawn

For: Dillon (and technically her Mom too lol)

Question: How much do you love your Mom? And answer with her next to you.

Dillon: Um... well, I... it's not like I hate my Mom or anything. It's just that sometimes she can be a little, well... overwhelming. I mean, who likes to scrapbook for a hobby? And... her chewing at the dinner table is grating on the ears. Saying I hate her though would be the understatement of the century, but if I'm being honest, sometimes it is nice to know that she'll be there when I need her.

Amy: Aww, sweetheart! That is the sweetest thing I have heard you say in a... oh, this is the only nice thing I have heard you say. Maybe we can go out and do some mother-daughter bonding time. Makeovers, hair salons, mani-pedis and such-

Dillon: Slow down, Mom.

Amy: Right, right. Sorry.

Asked By: yahoo201027

For: Gene & Alex

Question: How did you two first meet? What did y'all like about each other? Do you have a favorite snack to enjoy?

Gene: The story of how we met is funny, actually! 'Cause if we hadn't played dodgeball in gym class on the exact day that Alex's pet goldfish died, I don't know if we would be close friends at all. It was the second week of sixth grade and I did not like PE class. Exercise? No thanks. Extra fries for me! After Coach Blevins had forced us to run laps and do a million different stretches that probably made me pull a muscle (no, I cannot touch my toes, thanks for asking), he told us all we were going to play dodgeball. He picked two kids in the class to be team captains and the captains of both teams got to choose all the rest of the students for the team. Both Alex and I were picked last and we shared this nod that just kind of said, "Hey, buddy. I get what you're going through." When the game started, people were playing dodgeball violently despite the rules that Coach Blevins gave us. Throwing at people's faces and giving them black eyes, hitting people in the wiener, all of it. It was like a battlefield out there. Alex and I got whiplash from getting hit in the face with a dodgeball and then we were cast out to the sidelines.

Alex: And well, Gene and I ended up sitting side by side. However, I don't think I would have talked to him if it weren't for the death of my pet goldfish, Aqua Buddy... also, if you're wondering about the name, it's an inside joke. I turned to him in order to confess something that had been weighing on me all afternoon. I was pretending Aqua Buddy was just sleeping because I couldn't bear to flush him down the toilet. And my room was really starting to smell bad.

Gene: And we really hit it off from there! I think what I liked most about Alex is that we have a lot in common. We both like music, robots, and sweet foods! We had begun to invent an idea for DJ bunk beds all the day from day one. They've gone through a lot of changes since we started on the ideas, but I think we're making it better.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Feb 25, 2022 ⏰

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