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After Charles had a doctor come to check on me and had the men that laid dead before removed before he questioned me about what happened.

"I defended your house and I protected myself. Something people yourself included claimed I couldn't do. Well those two men are proof that I can" I replied

 I got up and walked off to my room and I went to clean the dried blood and change out of my dress and into my nightgown before I climbed into bed.

I was left alone for a long while till Charles came barging into the room.

"What are you doing barging in here like that?" I asked

"Your gonna leave after everything I had done for you?" he asked

"You've done nothing for me Charles it's I who had done so much for you. but you don't care you too busy being unfaithful and up the king's ass to notice" I replied

He shut my door and walked over to me and grabbed my arm roughly.

"Unhand me right now or I will hurt you" I warned

He loosened his grip before dropping his hand.

"I don't have my head up the king's ass, and you do best to remember that. as for me doing things for you who do you think gave you work and a place to live?" he questioned

"I was working for the king and queen Cathrine till you requested I come to be the nanny to your kids" I replied

"I had done so much for you. I've saved you, I protected you" he claims

 'you shit. you never once protected or saved me so stop lying." I say

He looked at me angrily and clenched his jaw.

"You wanna know why I want to leave huh?" I asked as I got out of bed and stood in his face.

When he didn't answer I proceeded to tell him.

"I am leaving casue I am done with your shit. I am done being a stupid fool who is in love with a man whore. I am leaving casue I deserve to be happy and not have marriage and kids rubbed into my face by a man who I am in love with knowing he can never be faithful even if his life depended on it. I am leaving casue I deserve happiness and love, I deserve a family. and as long as I stay here I will get neither so I am leaving. I will miss Edward with all my heart, but you, I doubt it since you can't seem to care about anyone or anything but being fucked" I tell him

He walked up and grabbed my face and kissed me hard.

I hit and punched him before I kneed him in the nuts making him let go and stumble back.

"What the hell" he cried out

"You grabbed me and kissed me thinking I would allow you to?" I asked

"You said you love me" he replied as he sat in the chair holding his manhood.

"I did, and I also said I am leaving casue of you" I replied

"Don't please. I am sorry. I can and will change. if you will give me a chance you will see that I will change and I will do it for you" he says

"Wasn't that the same load of shit you told Margret and Catherine?" I asked

"No I told Cathrine to her I'd be true and I told Margret that I loved her" he replied

"And both things were lies," I said

He sighs and stands back up once the pain leaves.

"Please allow me this opportunity to prove and show you that I can change that I will be faithful to you for the rest of our lives. that if you allow me to court you then marry you that I will never seek other women, I will end being a manwhore and only come to you when I have sexual urges not hide in the shadows of the castle with some lady as we shag," he says

I sat on my bed and thought about it.

"I will give you my word and vow that I will be forever true. and that if ever I stray you have every right to punish me how you see fit. it's not custom for a woman to do so, but I want to prove that I can be faithful to you that I can be with only one woman for the rest of my life and I will always be true to you. I know I messed up with Margret & Catherine but please allow me this chance to show you how big of a change I can do" He says as he gets on his knees beside me and claps his hands together and begs me.

"Why now, after all these years of knowing each other. why now have you asked to court me and marry me. any other time you'd treat me like one of your male friends or would ignore me as if I don't exist. then turn around and rub your marriages and children into my face?" I asked

"I was a fool a big asshole as well and I don't deserve you. your so pure and loving, you deserve the world and you still do but I am don't want to lose you. it took for me to read your note, and to hear you confess your feelings for me to realize what I have had in front of me what kind of woman you are" he answered.

"You allow me to punish you if you ever do me wrong and if you ever cheat?" I questioned

"Yes I do," he says

"I want it in writing and your blood seal so I .know it's real that you're not bullshitting just to take my pureness and ruin me for someone who truly deserves me," I tell him

"There is plenty of men who deserve you asilynn but as I said and I'll keep saying it. I won't let any other man, have you. I am too greedy to allow you happiness unless it's with me" he says

"Do as I asked then we'll see" I tell him as I get back in bed right watching as he stands and walks out of my room

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