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Since that little delinquent hit Edward in the back of his head his father hasn't been around Charles or the king.

Edward had woken up goggly which I was there to comfort him. 

He had an understandable headache. and he had slight memory fog which when I asked the doctor about it he said was normal when people take hits to their head with an object or stick in this matter.

Charles had gone to the castle to deal with matters the king wanted him to as I nursed Edward back to health.

I dropped the cool cloth over his head and smiled as he looked up at me.

"Did I do something wrong?" he asked

"No my love you did nothing wrong" I assured him

"Why would he do that then?" 

"Well he is a troublesome child who is on a verge of heading down a path no person should head down" I replied

He nodded his head a little.

"Don't worry about him now. you just relax and rest. Nothing more to worry yourself about."

He closes his eyes but not before he grabs my hand.

"Thank you, mom," he says

I leaned down and kissed his cheek.

"Welcome son" I reply.

He went right back to sleep as I sat there holding his hand.

When someone knocked I stayed where I was before I looked up hearing someone enter the room.

"Hello Doctor" I greet

"Hello Dutchess of Suffolk" he greets

"Please Asilynn is perfectly fine," I tell him

He nods and walks over to examine Edward.

"Any issues?" the doctor asked

"well I think with the hit to his head he is experiencing memory fog" I explain

"Well yes that would be normal since he had repeated hits" he replied

"I looked from the doctor to Edward.

"how long before this should fade, till my son gets back to how he was before the little delinquent harmed him?" I asked

"it should be the end of it today then by tomorrow he should be lively as he was before" the doctor assured me.

I smiled broadly and thanked the doctor.

"Your doing a splendid job tending to him" the doctor commented

"Why shouldn't I after all he is my son" I replied

The doctor said nothing just patted my shoulder.

"You'll do terrific with your's and Mr.Brandon's baby that's on their way," he says

I looked over at him.

"I do hope so" I replied

"Your mothering Edward in ways only a true mother could do," he says

After that, he dismissed himself and walked out.


I walked out of Edwards's room long enough to check on how everyone else was doing.

"Mrs. we are preparing dinner and gotten word Mr. Brandon will not be home tonight, that he's staying at the castle dealing with the Kings request," One of our lady servants says

I nodded and thanked her before I walked back to where Edward before I stopped and requested our gentleman work to come and pick up Edward and bring him outside with me.

When I sat on the long bench I patted my lap and the gentleman laid Edward down placing his head carefully on my lap.

"When I need you again I will call. thank you so much for this" I tell him

He nodded and bowed before walking off.

I sat there and told Edward different stories using my hat to keep the sun from our eyes as I entertained him to keep his mind from any pain that might be lingering.

When he slowly lifted his head and sat up I watched carefully before I smiled when I noticed he seemed to be better.

"Are you ok?" I asked

"I have no pain anymore just slight fog of memory" he replied

"It's normal" I replied

He leaned in and wrapped his arms around me hugging me carefully making sure he didnt cause hard to my stomach.

I laid my head on his and wrapped my arms around him.

"Please continue the stories," he says

I nodded and then went back to the story I told him about.


As I sat in bed with my hands on my stomach I leaned my bead back against the headboard and closed my eyes just thinking of how Edward and this little will be and how well they will get along. 

I smiled before laying in bed right and went to sleep.

When I heard movement I woke and seen Edward climb into the bed. I wrapped him in my arms and snuggled him close kissing his temple before going back to sleep.

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